Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sauna Nasel Congestion

Time flies;) writes

3 months 3 weeks and 3 days I was already in New York! Uhu, who would have thought the commission so soon;) here Indeed time flies very fast. But to the point. Barry on Monday left for Sweden on a business trip and stays there until Thursday. In the meantime, I again found myself alone at home, children are at home Dan. And horror of horrors, I caught up again itis! The third time over the whole stout while since I'm here. Here, seriously, people suffer more than in Europe, and worse, usually worse in August passed a cold than in Poland ... (I'll add that in the UK was sick 2 times a year). Thus, in total, nothing happens, on Sunday I probably babysitting at the Dana (excuse? Know, again, goes on a date;). He meets up now with some woman who penned an SMS to him yesterday with a Polish origin, Nay Aug. excited this morning;). If you ask me, is on Saturday, meet with Amerykaniem whose last I met (of Italian origin, as I told Dan it enjoyed it very!, Because he is Italian lol) between me and Darien is 11 years difference but I do not mind completely. Besides, nobody said that I'm looking for a guy here, looking rather someone with whom I can talk on various interesting topics:). I would add that in free time is a soccer coach for 12stolatkow:) Speaking of Mexicans, someone will very latched onto this here, I wrote that here are considered to be worse (if you ask me, it somehow does not depend on me to make friends with them, moreover, sometimes I walk past them, I am overwhelmed by fear of light). I add that the culture is probably not in May, sometimes passing roboli Mexican was booed, interesting, with white Americans in August to be gone? Once some white Americans passing by, apologized to me and told me not to offend, but consider me a very beautiful woman. There was no profanity, and Hook had to did it with class. Not saying that all are men Meksykance and such but z tego co JA widze to przewaza tutaj raczej ta "gorsza" czesc. Jak bylam w Mahopac to widzialam dzielnice Meksykow....istne slamsy....troche przypominalo mi getto. Oczywiscie nie kazdy Meksykanin jest tu nielegalnie, pracujacy za nedzne grosze, ale musze przyznac, ze takich sie tu glownie widzi. A USA niby jest krajem tolerancyjnym, ale tak naprawde rasizm zawsze byl jest i bedzie ( tyczy sie rowniez Afroamerykanow oraz Azjatow ). Dzis zostaje z dziecmi do 10:00 poniewaz Dan musi isc na obiad z pracy. Wiec czeka mnie duzo pracy ( heh zartuje, duzo sie nie narobie....) ;)


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