Thursday, December 11, 2008

Faking Smoking Weed In Movie

December 2008 - January 2009


I'd been left to the top of your belly! ... (Ufcio and Astro)

I'm late with everything ... hence Blogowisko moves at a normal pace after 20 January, unfortunately ....
And I'm late, and so, well, in the sweetest carol embodiment, mrrrrniauuuu ....


No, please! This is proof that if we want to do it! ... Batman has a face on his back, washed his back tongue! ( And I handed the washer barely reach my ...)

Koci contortionist sits behind glass, so you can see it badly. When you click the photo increases.
It is my wish for you on New Year's Day: make and finally what you can not I do ...

Happy New Year! ...

Wherever you spend it - no matter what the latitude, in the snow, rain, or heat, alone, in small groups or in the crowd, and though the New Year comes at different times - Have fun ! ...


Summer in Australia is purple ...
The purple bloom jackarandy (trees) and various shrubs. Begin to bloom in November - and a warm late spring. In December it is purple on the streets and gardens.
If fall rains, the vegetation is pure green. If there is drought, summer rustles dry, flexuous leaves, which everywhere, because cleaning them is a Sisyphean job.

Jackaranda in Daceyville, with beautiful carpets of petals under the trees ....

I wrote already that the backlog of Blogowisku responsible cuckoo egg, and actually quite adult and predatory chick ... Ha, this is the key phrase, but I prefer not to disclose the key, because in some circles will look at me squint. And yet I'm still controversial, as described to me one of your friends. A controversy of this mainly consists of telling the truth in your eyes ... And this, unfortunately the wheel.
I decided to take a vacation from the so-called issues. "Social" and catch up on matters of a more graceful and enjoyable ... Thus, soon the new wrzuty Blogowisku.

What Blogowisku:

Appeals : not let the cruelty to animals - sometimes you only need to sign a protest ... When hundreds of thousands of people sign up, governments MUST DO SOMETHING. I DO.

Upside down in Australia : Unfortunately, this blog no longer exists. Sympathetic simply abolished it because there was no new records for six months. It is true that I signed something when setting up this blog, but who reads this, if there are several pages of information and orders ... warn all who blogs on Onet - be careful, because one day disappearance from the network, without any notice ...

Columns: still "Will we have the right not to know?" ie Lilya 4ever . Soon UFO. Computer beautiful and I already have some free time though, so I write ...

Gallery: photographs with the legendary creator of sentimental journey Polish big beat - Franciszek Walicki, Vilnius.

Gallery 2 : Christmas in Sydney , the last archive Łunarzewska Asia with the "rebel angel" in Szczytno .

Humor Polonia : throw-year-old Polish zmyłek ...

My photos : Travel by train and bus to Burwood, but in another dimension .... Effects of photoshopu. Soon jackarandy in Daceyville.

Advertisements: Holidays, Christmas ....

Poetry: " Way" - row and the last movie from this line on YouTube and my pics ... coming out of my road,

Polonia : Memories by Jerzy Bolesław PROCIUKU - Grazyna Walendzik. In the last archive: Eleni in Sydney at concerts and visit the club known musicians of Greek origin, and Janis Kosta (photo Tom Koprowski), National Conference of Teachers in Ethnic Schools Perth, work space Elizabeth Chojak-Mysko from London .

diary: About My Angel of the Vatican, 2006 Jane Eyre, by Zdzislaw Smoktuły Chcicy , manuscript Roger Bacon, Zazie in the Metro , friendship and emails, and mystery. Soon a new diary ...

Interviews: Chris Frankowski - judoka senior, tells how he won the Australian representative to the Olympics! ... And there are plenty of photographs from many professions K. Frankowski. Shortly interviews about the celebration of 170th anniversary of the Polish presence in NSW.

Radio : On the home page - news. Attention! Every week, the information - which will be in the current program.

radio Gallery: Report annual general meeting , which was December 7 08R.

Body: Coordinator Chamomile Beatrice broke her leg! ... (Already do! ... Photo galleries of all employees of the radio.)

Broadcast Radio 2000FM - Shows current sticks every week!

Przedwiąteczny calm ... Summer, heat, the best sleep ... How Angelina.
On Blogowisku : Eli Ce programs will not be for some time . Looking for a good server and then promise not only shows ... (Can someone help me find? Server, of course ...)

few photos illustrating weather changes. something different every day! What I write! In one day it rains, then bakes the sun, the wind is blowing and the temperature drops 20 degrees. In the pictures two colleagues with whom I made friends on walks in the park.

Weeping willow, the same as in Poland ... And this is an empty field in Australia is called the ... park.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bloating After Everything

Spring 08th .. Intertwined, a little rain, some sun


Just yesterday it was beautiful, warm, dry night, and today - Sunday 14 September, again raining .... (What a nice photo I've done what ?...)

recently the sun has lit ...

our pine, palm neighbor - love is ...

movie from the camera: cat synchronization, on a rainy day ...


September began first in Australia spring. But the weather changed so far is insignificant ... Here, the seasons a little different, you must live in the depths of the continent to register major changes. Most plants are green all year round. Others are already starting to release buds, flowers bloom in their gardens. Unfortunately, after several days of warm rains again ...! ... Given what I put down a pretty rainy pics.

Morpheus - man he knows what he's doing in this weather is sitting on the closet!

Batman proposes to spend some time even better when it rains ...

At the end of the year, the Sydney organizing a concert of songs by Krzysztof Klenczona ...

(I hope that this watch is water resistant ...)

What Blogowisku:

Appeals: Do not let the cruelty to animals, I have a dream Foundation, Appeal to the Polish-American organizations - who can help financially, Polish children suffering from MPS?

Upside down in Australia : Ugh, somehow I do not want to enter the OnetBlog - sorrrki! Still there for me "upside down", therefore, the same old way - the plane to Australia.

Columns: Another "Can we have the right not to know?" that is, Lilya 4ever. Soon the UFO. Problems with your computer, then tyyyyyle classes and there is no time for rewriting at least delivered on the radio essay! ...

gallery: 64 photos the sentimental journey of legendary author of the Polish big beat - Franciszek Walicki Vilnius.

Gallery 2: Łunarzewska Asia with the "rebellious angel" in Szczytna ie, in the final archive: pictures of Christopher Klenczona from the collections of friends.

Humor : spring throw Polish zmyłek ...

My pics: Well ... Now I give you! ... I've bought a digital camera and do nothing just shoot! ... So now : sunsets in Daceyville, last spring in Daceyville archive. In the penultimate: I invite you to our domeczku Baba Yaga. Even the black cat is! Ha! ...

Advertisements: spring case (or only? ... Probably not only ...).

Poetry: "Dear - row and the latest movie YouTube and my pics ... coming out of my road, in the penultimate archive: a future fall. " (perversely drove to the spring - because I autumnal mood, and I did a movie with that previously recorded by Martha Kieć-Gubałę , line. There are also photos of the beautiful autumn George Bielas of Polish. )

Polonia : third prize for Asia at the Festival Lyrics Łunarzewskiej them. Christopher Klenczona in Szczytno! In the last archive: canonical visit of Fr. General Thomas Sielicki , Trzeciomajowa Academy in Ashfield, Meeting the writer Andrzej Grabowski Polish School District of the Northern and VI Table Tennis Tournament organized by Olimpol .

diary: Oh my Angel of the Vatican, 2006 Jane Eyre, by Zdzislaw Smoktuły Chcicy , manuscript Roger Bacon, Zazie in the Metro , friendship and emails, and mystery ... ( excuse for stagnation - as in newspaper columns ...)

Interviews: Chris Frankowski - judoka senior, tells how he won the Australian representative to the Olympics! ... And there are plenty of fotografii z wielu zawodów K. Frankowskiego.

Radio : Na stronie głównej - aktualne aktualności. Uwaga! Co tydzień informacja - co będzie w bieżącej audycji.

Fotogaleria radia : Historia jednej ...audycji . (z 13.09.08)

Sylwetki : b.z. (brak czasu i lenistwo kolesiów...)

Audycja Radia 2000FM - audycje aktualne, już wbijamy co tydzień!

Na Blogowisku : Eli Ce broadcast will not be for some time . Looking for a good server and then promise not only shows ... (Can someone help me find? Server, of course ...)

Because I hate to walk around after the rain, I put only the photos taken from the house ...

Tomorrow will be a good day ...:))))) __________________________________________________

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Make Coyote Death Snare

began the Australian winter - June, July 2008


Represented Australia Polonia
singer and composer
festival klenczonowskim Szczytno Days and Nights (July 08)
took 3rd place.
required to perform three songs: "Rebel Angel" (music by Asia Łunarzewska, text and Wiesław Janusz Kondratowicz Wilczkowiak), White Cross "and" Kites of my sites.
Asi We congratulate and wish you many further successes in Poland!

Far in July will be the same ...
only new song, ie recorded in 1996, but today (July 3) I made a slideshow.

For you, because everyone has a Jenny, what he has gone, let him go, do not cry after her, but say: gooooo! ... gooooo! .. . fails as a guitar in solówce ...
Nothing can change the world - we are still in motion ...
Recordings made on a small, private jam session. Is captured on tape, because in 1996 there were no writers dygital.
Adrian Gregory, played the blues in the Three Crowns Klenczona, I gambled for the first time. I think that, although technically nienadzwyczajnego recordings, blues aficionados listen with pleasure ...


Today the road ... This just corresponds to the current weather in Australia. Sometimes I go so, even in the rain, even at night, even the ... I could not believe what? How times have change! ...
Or maybe, just had good spirits care? ...

May, unfortunately, was not present at Blogowisku, because there are too many other activities leading, in June starts in our winter, though the oceanfront has nothing to do with winter. sometimes cold, sometimes even zero degrees at night, but usually is a dozen. And now still twenty degrees in the day. But it rains! It's raining and raining and raining ... Heat must be flat, not so much because of the cold, which, due to moisture.

song, albeit not for the rain, but wet ... I made it for the wives of seafarers sailing Iskra, who arrived on the 200th anniversary of Australia. This is not a studio recording, just north-Home, on a four-tape. Made specifically for broadcast on Radio 2000FM, where I had interviews with sailors from the Sparks.

recently got beautiful photos of Polish roads, which perfectly captured the mood of Thomas Gdynia (link below and right - standing). He walked up to these roads at different times of the year, and likes to shoot the road, because: Any one of us goes her way, not always straight and even and this is an important symbol for me ...

What Blogowisku:

Appeals: not let the cruelty to animals, Foundation I have a dream, Appeal to the Polish-American organizations - who can help financially, Polish children suffering from MPS?

Upside down in Australia: still for me "upside down", therefore, the same old way - the plane to Australia.

Columns: still "Will we have the right not to know?" that is, Lilya 4ever. Soon the UFO.

Gallery: World Youth Day in Sydney, the camera captures Margaret and Mark Żmuda

Gallery 2: Łunarzewska Asia with the "rebel angel" in Szczytno in the final archive: photos Christopher Klenczona from the collections of friends.

Humor: is new, in June throw Polish zmyłek ...

My pics: Skatki, or photographed flowers and leaves ... Scanner.

Advertisements know, the July case.

Poetry: "Poetry in the streets of Sydney" - powłóczy yet, because the film according to this line drove to YouTube, and here pobędzie.

Polonia: third prize for Asia at the Festival Lyrics Łunarzewskiej them. Christopher Klenczona in Szczytno! Past archive: canonical visit Fr. Gen. Thomas Sielicki , Trzeciomajowa Academy in Ashfield, meeting with the writer Andrzej Grabowski in Polish School District and the Northern VI Table Tennis Tournament organized by Olimpol.

diary: About My Angel of the Vatican, Jane Eyre 2006 as Chcicy Zdzislaw Smoktuły , manuscript Roger Bacon, Zazie in the Metro , friendship and emails, and mystery ...

Interviews: Krzysztof Frankowski - judoka senior, tells how won the Australian representative to the Olympics! ...

Radio: On the home page - current news.

radio gallery: World Youth Day in Sydney, the camera captures Tom Koprowski.

Body: bz. (Lack of time and laziness dudes ...)

Broadcast Radio 2000FM - Beaty Chamomile ... of Easter, but we promise to improve!

On Blogowisku: broadcast Ce Eli will not be for some time. Looking good server and then promise not only shows ...

And now Polish roads, the lens Thomas Gdynia. link to his site:

(Oh, I'll probably slideshow Fri Polish roads, the music, after all I have ...)

When you click on, photographs, swell ...

Monday, March 31, 2008

Thick Creamy Cm On Day 14

APRIL 08 on Blogowisku


Fall River near Sydney ...

In Australia this fall. Such as in Poland, once the summer at times, because now apparently it can be pretty bad!
Since the climate is changing, the Australian summer was cold this year. Fortunately! forty At temperatures a few degrees, in combination with 80-90% humidity, you feel like a pot of boiling water ...

But even a mild autumn and news Blogowisku.

Pleas for help: Swaibu from Uganda, construction of wells in Cameroon sponsor and organize the Poles.

Upside down in Australia are still plane to Blogowiska ...

Columns: Thoughts behind the wheel, "Do we have the right not to know?" (About the film "Lilya 4-Ever")

nice gallery: Photos Tom Koprowski the premiere chauffeur Archibald in Fantasy Theatre. In the last report archive Tom Koprowski the announcement of competition results Archibald Prize 2008 . Recent works sydnejskiej known artist painter Bozena Glajcher.

nice gallery 2: The Photographs of Christopher Klenczona from private collections of friends and fans. In the last archive: Iwona Bartkiewicz ("Poetry in the streets of Sydney"), before returning permanently to the Polish, dared to parachute jump!

My photography: new chapter, just my pics. Water ... In the last archive Koza.
Humor Polonia: April's joke, unfortunately, not primaaprilisowe ...

Announcements and Events Polonia: the April case. Protest in Tibet, a poem sent by Elizabeth Szczepanska and much, much more ...

poetry prosaic: "Poetry in the streets of Sydney" (Nareszcie! What ?...) In addition to making a film story line, and the help of friends. Also a lot of shots from the film. It seems that soon we will put the line read, and perhaps the film itself.

Polonia positive: Builders in the library of the Polish Home in Ashfield - report Eli Imperial.

diary - diary of unusual: "Shadow of the Wind" CR Zafón, my two PS Valentine's Day broadcast, even with Svetim Stefanie and others ...

niewylizane Interviews: A meeting with Czeslaw Niemen during his stay in Sydney in 1993.

Eli broadcast on Radio 2000FM Celejewskiej - April 12, 08R:
report release Fantasy Theatre (Chauffeur Archibald), Gajkowski Adam talks about the activities of our Polish . In view of the end of year concerts songs Christopher Klenczona interview with the Artistic Director of Concert Henclewska Barbara and an interview with music composer to the text Kondratowicza J. and W. Wilczkowiaka "Rebel Angel", and the performer of this song - Asia Łunarzewską.

on the net put Broadcast Janusz Iwanus - thanks!


Home: News (also pierwszokwietniowe ..)

2000fM Radio Gallery: chauffeur Archibald comedy Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska in Fantasy Theatre, a report by Jerzy Grzesiak photo.

workers silhouettes Radio 2000FM: verse portraits

current Broadcast: places on the net Bart Dziubiński with the help of Beaty Chamomile and Staszek Mikołajskie.


Some autumn photos from Australia

Strange ... but in Australia densely growing poplars ...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How Tall Is The Average Hollywood Actor?

announcements and developments in the Polish Internet

present the first proposals for the best service with escort erotic and very unique magazine erotic. The first thing that strikes the eye is the fact that the portal offers:
- erotic blog
- forum erotic
- sexshop - the largest database of erotic
erotic - erotic movies and galleries
Total tuned in a fairly good graphics and intuitive way. Access to contact persons advertised, we get after sending an SMS for symbolic 5zł. The levy is aimed at the elimination of "joker" who used the phone numbers for other things. The service has currently about 400 moderated erotic advertisements, matrimonial and social events. This audience of about 2,000 people a day and the entry of the subdivisions. Most girls from escort agencies, but there are also women working privately in their own homes. By accessing the bunny has a lot of people hope to get to know its second half, no problems there can also be found Matrimonial ads.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Best Lateral Support Shoe

What Blogowisku after the new - 2008? The December 2007

February 17 is celebrated World Day of the Cat.

In Poland, the cat is the most popular pet, the day the world held a lot of ceremonies dedicated to cats, in Poland President Lech Kaczynski was given the title "Kociarza Year" - for keeping the campaign to help homeless animals.
Perhaps, though the feast passed from my czytaczy someone adopts a cat? Top pay to buy a friend in the RSPCA, or any shelter for homeless animals.
cat costs $ 200 there, but at this price is included desex, implantation and injections numerku against feline diseases, as well as deworming animals.
A pet that has had it rough, especially appreciate the new owner's love and reciprocate it wholeheartedly.
cat lovers I recommend Polish site:

all who love cats, I recommend my album with the cats on the Polish side of the photo, here's the address :

There are also other my photos ... And on the photo at the top and Mangunia let someone tell you that animals have no soul! ... And please, how to eat an elegant dinner, our cats. Many persons could recommend doing it with equal culture ...


Koch - did not love her? Many
(-u) love for Valentine's Day! ...


Any such summer this year in Australia ...

sorry. Withdrew from the contest.
Blogowisko can not compete with the parties containing : legal advice, search engines, advertising, marketing, Polish companies, microbes, tips seksuolożki, breeding beautiful dogs - in which the company had no chance - because it is about something completely another ...

And if what you love is a very - wchodziliście Blogowisko already over 35 thousand times! And this is the best reward!

new year (as every year from January 1 ...) has just started ...
In Sydney, as usual, were the fireworks - pure madness! Unfortunately, the photographs do not see that from the hundreds of thousands of fireworks was getting it is light as day, and finally from the bridge of fire flowed Habour Bridge Niagara Falls sizes.
Apparently, such as fireworks this year, yet it was not even to greet the new millennium. And Darling Habour gathered over a million ludziI And maybe it is difficult to understand, but generally we all play nicely, no bashing.
once was and I saw potwierdzasm - is fun and easy! Anyway, the morning television news to ensure that in addition to the huge amount of rubbish there were no other problems.


Yet one wishes:

from Adelaide sent Jacek Szociński - jazz musician


invite you to listen to my last broadcast on the radio 2000FM. (link on the right - a show put on the internet Janusz Iwanus )
are in her interviews with many Polish-American activists about the ending year, greetings, horoscope for 2008 - for the whole world, and even interview Liza with the cat! Miau!

studio was filled! _________________________________________________

CO at January blogs?

Appeals: Maria organize the construction of the Arrow studnii in Africa - a photo report from Cameroon. In the last archive: information about World Vision (I added a link to the sponsorship) and WESP.

Upside down in Australia: (Gee, this onet!) In what continues to fly charter aircraft from the Polish here - in 2 seconds (click-click).

Columns: suicide racism. Somehow, I'm sitting behind the wheel enough lately, but about zwariowaniu others write ... (But now I am finishing "Do we have the right not to know?" I mean do we have?)

Gallery: Sydney Festival - Tom Koprowski photographed a concert by Brian Wilson, who in 1961 created the legendary group the Beach Boys . I recommend two video clips of this group! Also pics from the concert band Tom House Of The Holy Afro - besides video clips!

Gallery 2: Sydney Festival 2008 - Spanisch Harlem Orchestra and the Australia Day celebrations 2008, photographed by Tom Koprowski . In the last archive - Bal 2000FM radio - of course !!!... (Also taken by T. Koprowski)

Polonia Humor: New Year's is already pour ...

Advertisements New Year began, and so simple, and polish not only the matter ... (Vote for Wajda film - Katyn!)

Poetry: 'return journey from Wollongong to Sydney and other difficult road, and to Wollongong. This is actually a poem about returning the love ... In the last archive "Sadness Norwid Samba Pa Ti." poem written in 71 years on the island of Hvar in the Adriatic. (And what a nice pictures ...) On the video, and Santana Samba Pa Ti. I thought that no one else had the idea of \u200b\u200bcombining Samba Pa Ti to the sea, and yet someone came. Recently I read in the Express ... But I bumped into it's many, many years ago ... (I do not like how someone comes up with the same ideas as me ...)

Polonia: artistic reminder of the November afternoon, and op-ed ur Mark Baterowicza, the works of poet sydnejskiej Maryla Rose. Past archive: end of school year at the Polish School of the Northern District.

diary: January 14 - 66 Christopher Klenczona birthday, about a strange incident connected with this day and my fair-haired angels. In the last archive: a beautiful island-hotel on the Adriatic - a Sv Stefan and how to foretold fame Vinicius Chróstowi and as I watched, after 40 years "Pharaoh."

Interviews: not so much an interview as the interview with Czeslaw Niemen , who in 93 years of Ernestyna przeprowadziłyśmy Skurjat . That marked the anniversary of the death of four Czeslaw Niemen. Writes an interview with Anna Sroka , niedługo będzie... (Ojejej! jak ciężko się pisze wywiady... Jeśli do tego są długie...)

Radio 2000FM: Nowy rok się zaczął - wobec czego wiele, wiele aktualnych spraw! Felieton Marka Baterowicza : "I znowu Walentynki..."

Fotogaleria radia: Pierwsze, rodzinne, radiowe BBQ - sfotografowała Ula Orczykowski Cdn... W ostatnim archiwum: BAL z okazji 15-lecia radia uchwycony kamerą Tomka Koprowskiego - 63 fotografie!

Body work in radio 2000FM: radio at a ball - on the occasion of the 15th anniversary, read funny epigrams about employees to the radio, by Bogumil Drozdowski . They are already on this site, including photographs, that you sometimes confused who is who ... Also, a poem Eli Chylewski our radiowcach. In the only archives: profiles seriously, slowly joined by a forgetful and lazy successive, a compilation of all soon.

Radio Broadcast: Current . Radio broadcasts on the Internet include Dziubiński with the help of Bart Beaty we Chamomile and Stanislaw Mikołajskie.

On Blogowisku - Valentine's Day broadcast of February 9, 08R.
In all about love - tell the listener. Is there true love?

The broadcasts include Blogowisku Janusz Iwanus - thanks!

For Poles living in Australia : Polish winter, the rozchłodzenie after hot weather! Such ice for refreshment.

Photos from Picasa

And for Poles living in Poland: Australian beaches to warm up ...

Safe swimming pools with water from the ocean, without any poisonous and parzących monsters! ...