
I'm late with everything ... hence Blogowisko moves at a normal pace after 20 January, unfortunately ....
And I'm late, and so, well, in the sweetest carol embodiment, mrrrrniauuuu ....
No, please! This is proof that if we want to do it! ... Batman has a face on his back, washed his back tongue! ( And I handed the washer barely reach my ...)

It is my wish for you on New Year's Day: make and finally what you can not I do ...
Happy New Year! ...

Summer in Australia is purple ...
The purple bloom jackarandy (trees) and various shrubs. Begin to bloom in November - and a warm late spring. In December it is purple on the streets and gardens.
If fall rains, the vegetation is pure green. If there is drought, summer rustles dry, flexuous leaves, which everywhere, because cleaning them is a Sisyphean job.

I wrote already that the backlog of Blogowisku responsible cuckoo egg, and actually quite adult and predatory chick ... Ha, this is the key phrase, but I prefer not to disclose the key, because in some circles will look at me squint. And yet I'm still controversial, as described to me one of your friends. A controversy of this mainly consists of telling the truth in your eyes ... And this, unfortunately the wheel.
I decided to take a vacation from the so-called issues. "Social" and catch up on matters of a more graceful and enjoyable ... Thus, soon the new wrzuty Blogowisku.

Appeals : not let the cruelty to animals - sometimes you only need to sign a protest ... When hundreds of thousands of people sign up, governments MUST DO SOMETHING. I DO.
Upside down in Australia : Unfortunately, this blog no longer exists. Sympathetic Onet.pl simply abolished it because there was no new records for six months. It is true that I signed something when setting up this blog, but who reads this, if there are several pages of information and orders ... warn all who blogs on Onet - be careful, because one day disappearance from the network, without any notice ...
Columns: still "Will we have the right not to know?" ie Lilya 4ever . Soon UFO. Computer beautiful and I already have some free time though, so I write ...
Gallery: photographs with the legendary creator of sentimental journey Polish big beat - Franciszek Walicki, Vilnius.
Gallery 2 : Christmas in Sydney , the last archive Łunarzewska Asia with the "rebel angel" in Szczytno .
Humor Polonia : throw-year-old Polish zmyłek ...
My photos : Travel by train and bus to Burwood, but in another dimension .... Effects of photoshopu. Soon jackarandy in Daceyville.
Advertisements: Holidays, Christmas ....
Poetry: " Way" - row and the last movie from this line on YouTube and my pics ... coming out of my road,
Polonia : Memories by Jerzy Bolesław PROCIUKU - Grazyna Walendzik. In the last archive: Eleni in Sydney at concerts and visit the club known musicians of Greek origin, and Janis Kosta (photo Tom Koprowski), National Conference of Teachers in Ethnic Schools Perth, work space Elizabeth Chojak-Mysko from London .
diary: About My Angel of the Vatican, 2006 Jane Eyre, by Zdzislaw Smoktuły Chcicy , manuscript Roger Bacon, Zazie in the Metro , friendship and emails, and mystery. Soon a new diary ...
Interviews: Chris Frankowski - judoka senior, tells how he won the Australian representative to the Olympics! ... And there are plenty of photographs from many professions K. Frankowski. Shortly interviews about the celebration of 170th anniversary of the Polish presence in NSW.
Radio : On the home page - news. Attention! Every week, the information - which will be in the current program.
radio Gallery: Report annual general meeting , which was December 7 08R.
Body: Coordinator Chamomile Beatrice broke her leg! ... (Already do! ... Photo galleries of all employees of the radio.)
Broadcast Radio 2000FM - Shows current sticks every week!
Przedwiąteczny calm ... Summer, heat, the best sleep ... How Angelina.
On Blogowisku : Eli Ce programs will not be for some time . Looking for a good server and then promise not only shows ... (Can someone help me find? Server, of course ...)
few photos illustrating weather changes. something different every day! What I write! In one day it rains, then bakes the sun, the wind is blowing and the temperature drops 20 degrees. In the pictures two colleagues with whom I made friends on walks in the park.
Weeping willow, the same as in Poland ... And this is an empty field in Australia is called the ... park.
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