February 17 is celebrated World Day of the Cat.

Perhaps, though the feast passed from my czytaczy someone adopts a cat? Top pay to buy a friend in the RSPCA, or any shelter for homeless animals.
cat costs $ 200 there, but at this price is included desex, implantation and injections numerku against feline diseases, as well as deworming animals.
A pet that has had it rough, especially appreciate the new owner's love and reciprocate it wholeheartedly.
cat lovers I recommend Polish site: http://www.miau.pl/
all who love cats, I recommend my album with the cats on the Polish side of the photo, here's the address : www.elce.fotosik.pl
There are also other my photos ... And on the photo at the top and Mangunia let someone tell you that animals have no soul! ... And please, how to eat an elegant dinner, our cats. Many persons could recommend doing it with equal culture ...
Koch - did not love her? Many
(-u) love for Valentine's Day! ...

Any such summer this year in Australia ...
sorry. Withdrew from the contest.
Blogowisko can not compete with the parties containing : legal advice, search engines, advertising, marketing, Polish companies, microbes, tips seksuolożki, breeding beautiful dogs - in which the company had no chance - because it is about something completely another ...
And if what you love is a very - wchodziliście Blogowisko already over 35 thousand times! And this is the best reward!
new year (as every year from January 1 ...) has just started ...
In Sydney, as usual, were the fireworks - pure madness! Unfortunately, the photographs do not see that from the hundreds of thousands of fireworks was getting it is light as day, and finally from the bridge of fire flowed Habour Bridge Niagara Falls sizes.
Apparently, such as fireworks this year, yet it was not even to greet the new millennium. And Darling Habour gathered over a million ludziI And maybe it is difficult to understand, but generally we all play nicely, no bashing.
once was and I saw potwierdzasm - is fun and easy! Anyway, the morning television news to ensure that in addition to the huge amount of rubbish there were no other problems.

Yet one wishes:
from Adelaide sent Jacek Szociński - jazz musician
invite you to listen to my last broadcast on the radio 2000FM. (link on the right - a show put on the internet Janusz Iwanus )
are in her interviews with many Polish-American activists about the ending year, greetings, horoscope for 2008 - for the whole world, and even interview Liza with the cat! Miau!
studio was filled! _________________________________________________
CO at January blogs?
Appeals: Maria organize the construction of the Arrow studnii in Africa - a photo report from Cameroon. In the last archive: information about World Vision (I added a link to the sponsorship) and WESP.
Upside down in Australia: (Gee, this onet!) In what continues to fly charter aircraft from the Polish here - in 2 seconds (click-click).
Columns: suicide racism. Somehow, I'm sitting behind the wheel enough lately, but about zwariowaniu others write ... (But now I am finishing "Do we have the right not to know?" I mean do we have?)
Gallery: Sydney Festival - Tom Koprowski photographed a concert by Brian Wilson, who in 1961 created the legendary group the Beach Boys . I recommend two video clips of this group! Also pics from the concert band Tom House Of The Holy Afro - besides video clips!
Gallery 2: Sydney Festival 2008 - Spanisch Harlem Orchestra and the Australia Day celebrations 2008, photographed by Tom Koprowski . In the last archive - Bal 2000FM radio - of course !!!... (Also taken by T. Koprowski)
Polonia Humor: New Year's is already pour ...
Advertisements New Year began, and so simple, and polish not only the matter ... (Vote for Wajda film - Katyn!)
Poetry: 'return journey from Wollongong to Sydney and other difficult road, and to Wollongong. This is actually a poem about returning the love ... In the last archive "Sadness Norwid Samba Pa Ti." poem written in 71 years on the island of Hvar in the Adriatic. (And what a nice pictures ...) On the video, and Santana Samba Pa Ti. I thought that no one else had the idea of \u200b\u200bcombining Samba Pa Ti to the sea, and yet someone came. Recently I read in the Express ... But I bumped into it's many, many years ago ... (I do not like how someone comes up with the same ideas as me ...)
Polonia: artistic reminder of the November afternoon, and op-ed ur Mark Baterowicza, the works of poet sydnejskiej Maryla Rose. Past archive: end of school year at the Polish School of the Northern District.
diary: January 14 - 66 Christopher Klenczona birthday, about a strange incident connected with this day and my fair-haired angels. In the last archive: a beautiful island-hotel on the Adriatic - a Sv Stefan and how to foretold fame Vinicius Chróstowi and as I watched, after 40 years "Pharaoh."
Interviews: not so much an interview as the interview with Czeslaw Niemen , who in 93 years of Ernestyna przeprowadziłyśmy Skurjat . That marked the anniversary of the death of four Czeslaw Niemen. Writes an interview with Anna Sroka , niedługo będzie... (Ojejej! jak ciężko się pisze wywiady... Jeśli do tego są długie...)
Radio 2000FM: Nowy rok się zaczął - wobec czego wiele, wiele aktualnych spraw! Felieton Marka Baterowicza : "I znowu Walentynki..."
Fotogaleria radia: Pierwsze, rodzinne, radiowe BBQ - sfotografowała Ula Orczykowski Cdn... W ostatnim archiwum: BAL z okazji 15-lecia radia uchwycony kamerą Tomka Koprowskiego - 63 fotografie!
Body work in radio 2000FM: radio at a ball - on the occasion of the 15th anniversary, read funny epigrams about employees to the radio, by Bogumil Drozdowski . They are already on this site, including photographs, that you sometimes confused who is who ... Also, a poem Eli Chylewski our radiowcach. In the only archives: profiles seriously, slowly joined by a forgetful and lazy successive, a compilation of all soon.
Radio Broadcast: Current . Radio broadcasts on the Internet include Dziubiński with the help of Bart Beaty we Chamomile and Stanislaw Mikołajskie.
On Blogowisku - Valentine's Day broadcast of February 9, 08R. In all about love - tell the listener. Is there true love?
The broadcasts include Blogowisku Janusz Iwanus - thanks!
For Poles living in Australia : Polish winter, the rozchłodzenie after hot weather! Such ice for refreshment.
And for Poles living in Poland: Australian beaches to warm up ...
Safe swimming pools with water from the ocean, without any poisonous and parzących monsters! ...
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