Hello again:) For a moment the next part of the adventure, and I wanted to again apologize for my absence from the re- .... On Friday I was invited to the birthday Magda (Polish woman living in the U.S. permanently.) He lives in Brooklyn, Westchester weekend visits because of friends. Just in her birthday rented a room in a hotel right next to the place where he celebrated a birthday, proposed to me: "do Stood at her and she did. Drove to my house and then we went to White Plains where he dressed and umalowala. It took her a little but time flew so quickly .. probably due to it from .... gadalysmy gadalysmy and Poles living in the U.S. may be different, I'm on one shelf and it drove pretty decent .. uh! Well, after the familiar Magda drove up and we went to the club ... on the spot we met other friends ... it was fun ... well then Nadine joined us with Bobby .. and no, as usual, Bob had to bring someone with you lol, this time his brother who is nice but ...... oh well, I immediately said that he likes. I began to just laugh, no but I confess that as a friend is nearby .... zarÄ…bisty taste tastes, I do not like African-Americans inspection (between us Au Pairkami noticed with a lot of German-speaking au pairek has a lot to them do ....) Because it is so that, by exiting (going out), and sitting in this bar say it will certainly talk to some African American cb .. (mostly) white people of course also happen. But I can see the difference. As for me, especially not the likes of blacks and Latinos Asian people ... (not that I was racist, just not mine it, I can not help it.) Przetanczylismy to 4:00 in the morning .. so my legs were aching from ...;) hey Magda forgot the glasses in the car Mayr'y (without them should not lead car, and the next day she returned to Brooklyn.) So, call or can check it as much sun, says he does not have them anywhere ... Qrde! Well then we went to bed, the morning she asked me whether I could lead to Port Chester, wstapimy to the bank where it already operates, and Mayra look for themselves, so we went and what it turned out - glasses were in the back seat was already from far away can see it ... I start to laugh like mad because it surely is a stupid behavior. Americans sometimes are ignorant taaacy, Magda is affirmed, did not want her to get tested and so much lol. Well then, we went to McDonald's where 70% of Hispanics were sitting at lunch lol .... As I drove home, Magda is nastalysmy cork ..... almost wjezdzalysmy on highway and on a long stopper was already seen already .... Magda reverse and brrrrrrrrr ;))))))))) zawrocilysmy but on a normal way and so we did not pass the stopper. Despite the nice weather I went to sleep because I was a little tired lol ..... later jumped on the coffee with Crissy (Austriaczka. ..). On Sundays, the day his mother was American .. borrowed my mom on Skype (;)))) and Kasia Dalam card (no matter what I wrote at the beginning, I signed at the end, the host is the best mom ever, the kids had earlier came all these images from school with lines like, etc. .. Cole brought a plate where it was written ... My mom .... she is polish, she likes cooking, she is a good lawyer ... etc,) Tuesday morning I went to a meeting with Luke Au Pair in niezywkle beautiful place ...... trees, a lake, a blog can dream of peace. A lot of these parks is here. I met my friend from training, familiar with the area and I met new people. This girl is just what I was present at the training lamented Barbara (Local coordinator) with the family for many hours with her sets and does what it should not .... And seeing me, Luke, said, "O Allah, I would far far away so as to listen to my kids like him .... you are my August insights not listen, "Also I have seen some utter debilizmu South afrykanki: P Cos I talk with her friend, and we suddenly ask whence it is also ..... ask me in August and I am speaking from the Polish, and she lol" oooo .. . qrwa m ** "I look at it somehow odd .... and she says that I taught the other Polka ee .. ok ok but the first call .. lol. As Luke lay on a blanket and ate (the third) Bagel with cream cheese, some sort of Brazilian began to look at him, Luke showed his finger in my direction, I turned, and she begins to talk to me in Portuguese. "Umm ... what?" "Arent u Brazilian" - "Well ... why?" - "Cuz his T-shirt is brazilian." And then the priests indeed, a favorite shirt Patricia Luke'owi away. ;) After the meeting, I drove the young to school, and went to hell, Nadine who batter at home .. hehe. He called to CVS, I stand in line, and suddenly I hear Polish .... turn around and see two women, I could not bear it and asked, "Excuse me, but ladies live here in Mamaroneck? There is a lot of Poles, and therefore I'm curious ...". Turns out the ladies (mother and daughter I think), there were passing through, and are from NYC, just seek out the Stop & Shop, so, offered to them there will be time with that and so I go in that direction, and I did. I were very grateful ..:) The end of the day I broke the strange behavior of Cole, though he was tired .... I do not want to completely do the job (I mean if they tried .. but at the same time falling asleep, and then he stated why he never can do the task with the mother she never had time ...) I was in shock, I did not know what to say too much, but I told the mom is doing what it can and must work to give him what he wanted ... and he said, "but some of my parents friends do not work! "and I zonk, I ask her - and what YOU have in May? "Eeeeee." Well see ... Then, I asked if maybe a nap ... the first time such a strangely retains always the polite and laid it is .. I said I think Kate and I are saddened. I see from doing what it can, through this whole my stay here I see the education of children is a great art, and now I understand how my own parents sometimes probably was difficult for them or they had no idea what to do. Oh, I met a gay lol, the best friend of a friend. I gotta say I'm cool, funny, knows how to advise you from the bridge. We agreed to meet together to go shopping;) 100% gay .... He is not ashamed to talk about it. And it's good by me. Please accept another man as he is ..
pay attention to the beauty of the background ... ..
Luke liked;)
love it!
Pairki Au and Au Pairzy in the background;)
new note also what I'm talking on his head for a few days ...;)
new note also what I'm talking on his head for a few days ...;)
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