Saturday, September 25, 2010

How Big Are Alotta Fagina Breast

little about the school

Like school in the Lower Pcim, but it has many interesting solutions. For example, a website called Edlin. Any assessment of the subject is inserted by a teacher on this page, and then automatically sent via e-mail to parents about the new entry. A parent can log in with the key on the page and trace their progress of their little ones. They are about every level, whether the homework was presented at the time, whether the task was finished at school. It is also an average rating, and ranks as a child on the background of the whole class. Now, all three of the school year has begun well and until I do not want to believe such good results in May. Waiting in August when it all ends, because good things do not last forever. In the meantime he made a pilgrimage to the new teachers Jesiki anticipating that the daughter has a "tradition" to start the school year with high grades, until he gets bored and stops completely willing to learn and evaluate fall to almost zero. How far from the "global social sciences," which is connected with the geography of our history, Jesika ranks first place in the whole class with an average of 97%. Every year I hope that the situation does not deteriorate with time and Like every year, I think that maybe the young lady just now dojzala and understandable, so maybe ........ just keep my fingers crossed. The Algebra has a 85% average which makes my cries of delight every time I logs for Edlin. Logan has an average of 102% of the mathematics of what it means to earn extra points soebie for doing voluntary work. Justin is the best in class with a reading (of course, a special class), but the teacher is absolutely delighted and says that reading is really high. With this joy I take the whole day all three of the new three-dimensional movie theater (with Ga'Hoole Owls) and ice cream.

This year, the reorganized school education for three classes: the fourth, fifth and sixth. So be extended to include both boys. Created so. "Akademie Willsboro and potworzono brotherhood inspired Harry Potter book. There are four of them: Pythagoras (or mathematics), the brotherhood Galileo (science), Hathepsut (it was a pharaoh, and is the patron of the brotherhood of social sciences) and the last fraternity or English linguistic arts patron Maya Angelou.
Brotherhood compete with each other and the whole little complicated scoring system. Once a month is a prize giving ceremony. At first we were invited next Friday.
In the U.S., to the sixth grade inclusive of children are conducted by one teacher. Only PE, drawing and music, and conducting other computers in May. That is, the class teaches the fifth most important items by Mrs. Felner, and fourth grade you have Hopkins etc.. As a result, children have a change of teacher every year, and the person is not specialized in anything. In the "Academy of Willsboro," since the system was changed to what I remember from the Polish. Each item is run from a dedicated person, that teaches the same math mathematician in the class of fourth, fifth and sixth, etc., that is normal.
introduced to this one hour per day, where students are confused with several classes, and they work together in groups. For example, Logan is working on an article for the school newspaper and has a three-person group of sixth-grade girl and boy from the fifth. Besides the novelty, the child is required to have an external drive (I do not know how it is in Polish, Here is a flash drive or external drive). Development and written articles on the computer it copies itself to that drive and brings home to complete as homework. Already the fourth grade most of the work of English teachers must be committed as a copy of a computer. Also a lot of projects such as the biology is developed and presented in PowerPoint, already in fourth grade. Hmmmmm times are changing ...........


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