spring in Australia this winter is different from that in European trees (and there are a huge minority) appear in the list (because all the others are green all year round) and everything should bloom, blooms how mad! ...

blooming trees, shrubs, flowers mundane.
If sunshine is good and humidity, covered with flowers, trees and bushes look like in Poland after the big snow precipitation.
For now we October - longest word in Europe, he weaves a bit of winter, some years ...
We had 30 degree heat, and most recently raining again ...

appeals for help - Alice Klenczon-Corona organized listing rescued from a shelter psiaczków lovely - some readers may opt for adoption a true friend ?
Call: do not buy fur, animals bred for these purposes is abraded skin of live ...
See documentary films presented here, may never (fortunately ...), founding no fur ...
Columns Eli Ce - Still Magda M . Soon will put something new (time, this is what I am still missing ...).
Gallery 1 - Botanical Garden "from the other side of the mirror" ... really went ...
Gallery 2 - Opera House my eye, sometimes a little demonic ...
Humor Polonia - promise to improve, soon will be something new!
My photography: Shortly after sunset at Astrolabe Park
Announcements - the October events
prosaic poetry - my rare poems about love? (Not I like to write poems about it ...)
Polonia positive - An evening of poetry dedicated to the Warsaw Uprising in RP consulate in Sydney
diary - May still ...
Variety - Walicki Francis, creator of Polish music of youth - a ceremony in Sopot and Gdynia. Row John Prusińskiego . Obituary: an evening of poetry Eli Celejewskiej RP consulate
Interviews: Interview with Łunarzewską Asia, the most popular singer in Australia Polonia
2000FM Radio - Broadcasts the current fotkach and to listen to
Gallery radio - in the studio and on the Central Railway station and Cirkular Quay and near the bridge Habour Bridge
Silhouettes - soon will be photos Beaty Chamomile stay in Cracow and Prague and the Czech Mark Żmuda "with snow" in Australia
in my garden behind the house, everything blooms late because it covers the shadow of the blessed ... (Who does not live in Australia do not understand why the blessed ...)
Spring begins in it a few weeks later, but they all bloom beautifully.
I love fur! But only in animals never the man!
Our cats happy that they finally soaking up the grass! ...
Photograph: Ela Celejewska
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