Friday, October 2, 2009

Ringworm Espanol Como Se Dice

Spring ... Came green leaves and flowers bloom ... Australian ...


spring in Australia this winter is different from that in European trees (and there are a huge minority) appear in the list (because all the others are green all year round) and everything should bloom, blooms how mad! ...

first Polish jasmine flowers in my "back" garden, a few weeks will bielusieńki bush ...

blooming trees, shrubs, flowers mundane.
If sunshine is good and humidity, covered with flowers, trees and bushes look like in Poland after the big snow precipitation.

For now we October - longest word in Europe, he weaves a bit of winter, some years ...
We had 30 degree heat, and most recently raining again ...

And what Blogowisku:

appeals for help - Alice Klenczon-Corona organized listing rescued from a shelter psiaczków lovely - some readers may opt for adoption a true friend ?
Call: do not buy fur, animals bred for these purposes is abraded skin of live ...
See documentary films presented here, may never (fortunately ...), founding no fur ...

Columns Eli Ce - Still Magda M . Soon will put something new (time, this is what I am still missing ...).

Gallery 1 - Botanical Garden "from the other side of the mirror" ... really went ...

Gallery 2 - Opera House my eye, sometimes a little demonic ...

Humor Polonia - promise to improve, soon will be something new!

My photography: Shortly after sunset at Astrolabe Park

Announcements - the October events

prosaic poetry - my rare poems about love? (Not I like to write poems about it ...)

Polonia positive - An evening of poetry dedicated to the Warsaw Uprising in RP consulate in Sydney

diary - May still ...

Variety - Walicki Francis, creator of Polish music of youth - a ceremony in Sopot and Gdynia. Row John Prusińskiego . Obituary: an evening of poetry Eli Celejewskiej RP consulate

Interviews: Interview with Łunarzewską Asia, the most popular singer in Australia Polonia

2000FM Radio - Broadcasts the current fotkach and to listen to

Gallery radio - in the studio and on the Central Railway station and Cirkular Quay and near the bridge Habour Bridge

Silhouettes - soon will be photos Beaty Chamomile stay in Cracow and Prague and the Czech Mark Żmuda "with snow" in Australia

in my garden behind the house, everything blooms late because it covers the shadow of the blessed ... (Who does not live in Australia do not understand why the blessed ...)
Spring begins in it a few weeks later, but they all bloom beautifully.

I love fur! But only in animals never the man!
Our cats happy that they finally soaking up the grass! ...

Photograph: Ela Celejewska

How To Do Cheats On Pokemon Silver Play


Did I told you about my sixteenth birthday? No, it's maybe I should say that this is one of the most erotic adventures that happened to me. Daniel was the host of a reception. It has a really huge house: three floors and great room. It was a whole lot of people and Lusia - super chick . Her father comes from China so I had in itself is amazing Asian beauty. I danced with her, not once - even colleagues who think that perhaps in August of that relationship will develop some longer.
But from the beginning. Joanna and Daniel are siblings. Aska is quite a good walking stick. Teeny, blond hair, and lovely, firm ass, who wants to squeeze it until August ... is older than two years me. I always considered it a really hot chick, so no wonder that every time I've searched for the present, in the hope that maybe he comes. Soon, however, interested in Lusia and immediately stopped thinking about grace. Soon
quite strongly in August and Lusia nastukalem also did not sin sobriety. Began to gently kiss me on the neck, so encouraged by her play hands slipped under her mini skirt and I stayed on her buttocks jedrnych. She whispered, I followed her, and of course I could not resist the temptation. Followed her gaze wlepiajac in her swaying hips.
When we entered the room closed the door behind us and threw me on the bed. Slowly she began to unbutton skirt, blouse and then. Looked at it that appear from the material body and full of her breasts. When was quite naked, walked up to me giving me a silk scarf tied asking me to present my eyes. I could not believe it. I did what she ordered, and soon her nakedness disappeared before my eyes. Soon I heard another girl's voice. I froze. Soon I felt like someone's hands rozpinaja my shirt and stroking my torso, abdomen and gently massaged. They were soft and warm - it seemed to me that woke up in me all my senses, when I run out of a sense of vision.
When I had not already wearing a shirt two girls took care of my pants. Two pairs of hands taken off me pants and gently massaging my already swelling of the penis. Tickling my testicles. I felt wet and hot tongue stretching my foreskin. After yet number of such shares of their hands went away from me and I heard a sound of passionate kisses. I was lying so still a while yet, but after a while, I was curious and took off the bandage. I was surprised very much.
kneeling on the floor of two naked girls joined a passionate kiss. Not that surprised me, but it's the kiss Lusia Aske. I've never seen Aski nude and I must say that she was alluring ruchanskiem. Her tanned skin glistened with oil and spreading its fragrance throughout the room. Aska had wide hips and breasts a lot bigger. Lusia was beautifully shaped with small, but jedrnymi cycuszkami. I did not know then, which I prefer, but in retrospect I could choose between them very easily. I watched
August evening presentation for some time. I watched as their hands touched each other by performing their pussy at the same circular motion as the two girls przyprawialo of orgasm juices filling their hands ecstasy. Pojekiwalem with them, resting his head on hands and looking at how finite Duren instead get down to work .... These hot petting lasting for many minutes, and Aska not noticed, the look. She looked at me with lust - I knew the flash in her eyes very well.
"See Lusiu - zajelysmy myself and forgot that we have the pieces in the room." She said a gentle and passionate voice, which betrayed that he is inflamed and rzadna further sexual playthings. "We have to devote to it a little observations do not you think? "Two girls, one in which the crush since childhood, and the other for which I gave everything and in addition were playing with each other - even better, wanted me to turn to the fun ... .. As in a good pornolu.

Both stared at me without saying anything. Under their hungry eyes I felt like my life passes by. I started to breathe harder. I did not want tumbling down this opportunity. In the end, Lusia replied: "Yes, we need to let him enjoy themselves with us - you can see that desperately wants." My fjut steel rigidly Palace of Culture and nearly jumping out of the underpants. I was hoping przelecec Luske, but ii the Aska too? Never buddies would not bought - even I could not believe in their szczescie.
Zanim zdazylem pomyslec Aska zsunela moje slipki do kolan a Luska sciagnela je ze mnie do konca. Unioslem sie do góry by ulatwic im to. Obie wymienily spojrzenia miedzy soba i zblizyly sie do moich bioder delikatnie kasajac mnie po obu stronach. Mój penis stal na strazy pomiedzy ich glowami. Obie wymienialy opinie na temat jego wielkosci. Wiedzialem, ze troche sie ze mna drocza, ale jak na swój wiek i tak bylem calkiem niezle wyposazony. Usiadlem i zdjalem do konca koszule. Zostalem w tej pozycji patrzac z usmiechem na dwie glowy bogini seks u, az do momentu gdy Aska znowu pchnela mnie na lózko. Zanim zdazylem zareagowac mokra i soczysta cipka Luski oplotla mojego fiuta. Jej sprawnosc w tej gimnastyce wskazywala, ze miala w tym skill. Began to move slowly up and down my paly - I felt tenderness and moisture inside the shells.
entered her a little bit deeper - groaned, smiling gently. Almost forgot about Aski presence in the room, when suddenly she asked, "What do you
it?". Her hands oplotly August scales around and started to gently caress her nipples. "Like it please you," saying it has moved his fingers on the clitoris and began to caress me more and more insistently. Lusk began to move me faster and harder. Stirring as it intensified. It was close to orgasm. I felt her pussy filling up with mucus, which flowed from it, and watered my whole abdomen. Once you've spilled on my dick she looked at me with satisfaction. I still did not come, so this is not the miracle I saw.
When Lusk moved to the other end of the bed Aska leaned over me, giving me a broad picture of their boobs. Passionately started to suck my cock still hard and lick the juices scales. Slowly lick my pale, then accelerated. When she tried to take me all over the lips froze and almost stopped breathing. Every time you lick my head pierced me shivers of delight. Almost in August lowered, but I knew that my break is just incredible sessions fuckery. So I refrained sperm that could have continued as long as possible. Aska has turned his back on me Kleczka thrusting out his firm ass to me. Knelt, and taking also into the hands of a hard dick I went from the back gently wilgotniutka Aski pussy. Gently massaged her buttocks and went to present the whole. There was so wasa as Lucia, but the eggs pussy glistened from the mucilage, and saw how it gave me a lot of pleasure. Her boobs jumped to the beat like me I advanced, until the moment when Lusia lay on his back underneath his head towards my cock in Aski swidrujacego pussy. Her hands swollen balloons masowaly Aski, licks her language with me, our juices mixed ecstasy. Aska between moans of pleasure when I fucked pussy greedily licked scales.
hasten his movements. I wanted to lead all our triangle ecstasy at the same time, and groans Lusi knew that already occurs. Aska started pokrzykiwac and gently nasadzajac at me deeper and deeper. Lancuszek orgasms began to Lusi 'that flooded the sperm delight. Right after I brought me to climax Aske - her pussy flooded with a tremendous amount of self kisielku. Then I sank into it whole, and moving at the incredible power and intensity and let. I could not longer bear it and lowered into it, flooding her pussy hot sperm. I fell exhausted beside my two goddess. Do not remember when I fell asleep and when they came out of the room. I woke up in the morning still not believing in his luck.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What Dosedischarge Look Liek

real passion

When we were alone, I podszedłbym to you slowly and looking you straight in the eye, attracted the self-entwining his arms around her waist. Subtle rubbing your nose on your nose, even for a moment to postpone the moment of meeting our mouths. My hands slowly float by in the hips to start to caress your-supply men crazy-ass. Zipped zip skirts, which with a little help from me dropping on the floor. Gently and slowly kiss your lips, you taste so wonderful ... you pushed to the wall. I can feel the excitement wrapped up in me. On the back moves up in his hand, and eventually weave it into your scented hair. Kiss more passionately. Caress alabaster neck, ears tempting. You take off the blouse. Bra hug your so beautiful firm breasts. I kiss their delicate skin, touch, freed from the shackles of staniczka. Tongue teasing nipples, ssam. Muśnięciami hands caress their skin, with a sense of crushing, massaging. My lips descend lower and lower, for a long while I deal with thy belly, while not neglecting the breast. Descend even lower kissing hill, lovely thighs deliberately skipping your shell. I see you want to caress her. You turn my face to the wall. Now your ass, so deliciously wypinasz it. I start to gently slide down panties and kisses. I start to move upwards, caressing your back, massaging the breast, teasing neck. We start to kiss more passionately, wildly. Firmly press my turn you and the wall. At the moment I stop to kiss, unfolding your hands above your head. Lips kiss her neck, breasts. Slumps down, moving his hands on his chest. Already navel kiss, ... mound, the inner thigh. After a moment, stop. I get up I look you straight in the eye, and I offer a gentle kiss your mouth. I take you in my arms and I bring to bed. At the moment I'm leaving. You sit on the bed trying to see what I'm doing. I come back with a tray on which I bring champagne, strawberries, whipped cream, delicate long white rose. I put the tray beside the bed. With the cabinet beside the bed pull out two silky scarves. I sit behind you. I smell your hair, so beautifully fragrant. I kiss your neck, neck, ears, while still higher flowing scarf now move some of your down, gently stroking the skin breast. Przewiązuję Those her eyes. Then a second scarf gently obwiązuje your hands. Your hands are tied assume the head. I continue to gently caress your body. First, Musk, and then squeeze the breast, leaving one hand down and begin to tease your mound. I want you to lie down on the bed. For a moment I can not tear my eyes away from your sensual body. I picked a rose and its fragrant white petals, sensual touch your skin. First, neck, chest and then slowly lower and lower. Go to the thighs, I will deal with them a little longer, and after a while slowly graze your womb. Now strawberries. One dip in the whipped cream and getting closer to your mouth, but once you taste it, soon I raise it up. Doing you to get angry with your nose dirty deliberately whipped cream. Finally, let you taste the "forbidden fruit". Around your mouth and the nose is a bit of whipped cream. Gently licks. Now we are something I'd tasted. The container shed a little hiss of whipped cream on your breasts. I take one with strawberries and underestimating it in the whipped cream, calm yourself zjadam. Następnie powoli zlizuję resztę śmietanki z Twoich piersi. Może czegoś się napijemy. Wlewam szampana do kieliszka. Podaje Tobie byś mogła się napić. Po czym nasze usta łączą się w długim namiętnym pocałunku. Teraz wypiję troszkę ja, resztę wyleję pomiędzy Twoje piersi, patrząc jak ich doliną szampan powolutku podąży w kierunku Twojego pępka. W tym miejscu napiję się go ponownie. Słyszysz szum lodu w kubeczku. Zaczynam namiętnie całować twoje piersi, drażnić i lekko przygryzać ich sutki. Gdy tylko stają się dostatecznie rozpalone przykładam do nich kostkę lodu, jednocześnie kissing the other breast. Ice cube then slowly goes down towards your womb. Firm action decompose your legs. Slightly melted ice cube has already put into my mouth and start to caress your burning womb. Reins after the language, to finally focus on the clitoris, I'm curious to see how your body reacts to the changes facing the heat and cool my tongue remaining ice cubes. I caress you slowly regardless of your breathing getting faster and stirring as. Your legs were increasingly entwine my neck and hips in the full bliss convulsions rise higher and higher. But I'm not going stop as long as you reach the summit after all the installment of your eyes, kiss you tenderly and ask what you want in the next ...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Vegeta Y Bulma Hentaí


Hello. I have for you the next portion of my sexual experiences, so start right away. Since for many
partying and reluctance to learn collapsed semester at the college have asked a professor to give me a chance to improve. On my credit, I went to college and went to an open room, I sat on the bench and waited for my executioner. When he entered the room I felt a shiver. He closed the door he sat behind his desk and asked how I want to include whole semester. Then took up the excitement.
I replied that it could have me for himself. He smiled, and I got up and went to his desk for a moment that I entered as a female cat on your lap. He is still talking something that just can not be and stuff, but as I turned around and saw my ass lifted skirt and began to touch me. After a while, have indicated that this is sufficient for him groping on his desk and sat astride. Uncovered panties and showed him your mouse.
He touched me with his paw and slimy przyssał at me like an animal. Despite this, he was very oily, I started to moan softly. In the end I could not take and grabbed his head, pressing for their stomata. Wygięłam into a bow, and he stopped me caught up to lick my breasts with my bra, took it and began to suck.
Wpychałam his chest for a change, I wanted to be devoured. Once you've saturated
August cycuszkami knelt on my desk. He got up and took his cock out of trousers and I like a good girl took his cock into my mouth and started to suck. Obciągałam his penis once again slower faster - harder and gently - I felt it grow in my mouth, like flashes, and the straining and groaning of my "przydupasa" caused that I wanted to again and again.
He also had enough. He caught my head and my cock wpychał deep into the throat. Ksztusiłam to him, but I did stick on - I sucked all the time. Then he jerked my head and began to pour juice delight. Bastard came faster than I am.
started banging his hand and it remains wytrzepałam white fluid. I lay down on the desk, and he uncovered and broke into my pussy in her brutally. I began to move sharply and rapidly. He did it so as not to do this for a year. I felt like my rips mink. Pushed me in that position long enough, then he lay down on the desk, and I sat on his "equipment."
rode him and touched his slimy body. I felt his penis hit the tip of my stomach, fell on his cock hard, fast and to the bottom. I decided to change the position, I pulled out of his cock and sat on it, but back to his face.
started it ride, and he miętosił my tits with their paws. I rode on it and massaged her pussy his cock, then claimed the 69th position I agreed, because what I had for leaving. I had to somehow include the term. Besides the excitement did not allow me to do anything else, how to balance on any proposals.
Item 69 did not last long, because I got an orgasm, arching the interrupted caress my lover and his pipe fell. Then he descended from his desk and asked me about not resist.
knew what he meant, which is to get my second hole. I've done it, but I had some concern. Well, but, well, is loose and I felt like he spit in my eye cocoa. Amazingly came gently, and I was under the pretext of massage his balls grabbed it in his hand. I thought that it hurt me like it too. He
me move more and more dynamically, and pinching my tits. Squeezed his eggs, but this meant he pleased. Hissed with delight me advancing faster and faster. I felt like tearing my ass. When I moved so I picked up a leg on the desk. He immersed himself into me deeper. I felt like I feel sick. My ass was bursting at the seams. And he further and further and deeper stuck in me.
He grabbed my neck and started up ruchać rude. She was screaming in pain, but he thought it was a pleasure because he did it more and more brutal. Tugged my hair and threw on his knees, then began banging himself and gushed cum on my chest and face.
After all, he sat behind his desk and asked for the index. Written by me four. Spat in his face and left the room. I went home and washed his body and bleeding ass.

Monday, August 17, 2009

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Hello. Because it deals with the widely understood themes of sex, including masturbation, I wanted to share with you my experiences. In this area, I think I'm sophisticated specialist. To achieve maximum pleasure with masturbation, you have to do it totally. Then you shall be an unforgettable experience. You have to reject all barriers and inhibitions. What I am doing: 1.uzywam proper equipment: a small classic vibrator for women, completely at ease in August when fondling a dick, artificial vagina, anus tube to fondle, buckles on the nipples to stimulate 2.materialy: hard porn in the form of video films magazines, pictures and videos on your computer. Onanistic planning sessions for about 3-4 hours. Before goals exactly genitals (if you can achieve true delight - especially the eggs are very sensitive.) Then I strip naked and start the hand caressing dick, the other hand, when I am free, caress the egg. Used for wetting, children's and your own olive Saliva dildo shaft as follows: classic skin for catching and executing the movements up and down, hug 1,2,3 three fingers, then whole hand, rolled between two hands, rub the foreskin frenulum, tickling him. In the meantime, I like to caress eggs: a few strokes with your fingers, whole hand later on the scrotum, tickling him, rub vigorously from the anus along the inside of the bag to the cock. I'm excited to be here when I call it the vibrator and the shaft including that dick with your hand and przystawiajac the frenulum, in the meantime rubber vibrating vagina attaches to the testicles and squeezes between your legs. Co-butting and eggs is fucking awesome. Later he begins to engage the anus (Be sure you have got to try - it must be thoroughly cleaned.) Stroke it with your fingers 1,2,3 Moist fingers, which will later introduce, then slide my shit properly prepared tube. Being close together to perform sliding movements of the tube and the shaft next horse. Agitation increases anal huge excitement as the pile stands at attention and butting is awfully nice. I like to watch at that time sticks in the ass fucking and lesbians served wylizujace yourself. I like to apply the clips at the same time the nipples (previously mentioned) - is such a masochistic mole. Pain is fantastic - enhances pleasure, especially when draining want wyc with pleasure. They can be used on the eggs but also pain that can not withstand too long because the nipples are better. Flipping the horse also touches hands with buckles on the nipples giving rise zajebista delight. To increase the immersive experience whilst beating a horse every now and then when you want me to pee urinates into prepared cups, which of course I drink (you have to break down - this is really cool.) Drinking salty and warm urine imagine that makes me pee in the mouth promiscuous leggy brunette with shaven pussy giving me myself and my anus then to wylizania. At the end of ejaculation: sperm tapped the plate tightly squinting his eyes and shrinking feet with delight. Sperm of course you need to drink with a fork. I am doing it slowly with relish licking and swallowing warm salty liquid. Imagine if it licks the lips, boobs, cunt, anus, and feet of some awesome stick to that you must already lowered. One can also drain the hands and lick suck cum from his fingers and imagining them from giving us his manicured hands ospermione some sort of slut. During these wonderful actions is appropriate, of course proper stimulation. I like to watch pictures and videos, once excites me very hard porn, sometimes delicate pictures. I love long-legged grace in pantyhose (and happy black bodied) with heels on bars revealing painted toes and heel, or foot, showing a high instep. I could have them lick and suck those feet for hours. But there is no hard and sharp, stick wylizujace a shaved cunt, and suck Huje are awesome. Watching a woman lick and suck dick imagine doing it with me and she suggested to my cock groomed him holding the hand (I'm not a fag but it is also cool). Acorn foreskin licks and sucks hard waiting for the miracle of the whole ejaculate sperm in the throat. Ospermione faces of beautiful women are great, you can order from them all I lick it off with gusto. Recently I was very excited by pissing and light s / m I became an avid fan of his passion for collecting all the material on this topic. Horse banging imagine that I'm in naughty couples. Chick takes me to the toilet. She is dressed in tights bodied bearing unveiled pizda and feet, holding in his hand a leather belt. Kaze me to kneel down, leans over and odddaje wonderful warm urine stream, tells me everything I drink. Urania drops, and she beats me by the belt back and he challenges me from the worst gutter dictionary fuckers, dick and gównojadów. Do not stand up and tapped on her feet. - Lick cum, dick - chick screams. I am doing this course with taste and pleasure. Licks me with arch support, heel and toe on each sse her shapely legs. Kutas me for a moment back bulge. Chick then leads me to the room where her partner is waiting already. Pinning a plastic dick and wets it with oil. I assumed clips on the nipples. Kaze I unplugged. One arrives artificial dick in my anus and starts to move rhythmically to me. Meanwhile, her partner moves shaved my cock into her mouth. - Pull dick, whore, and fast - she commands. I am not a wanker but the guy seems nice dick is big and shapely. What to do. I call it to his lips, licks and out rhythmically lize eggs, bridle, horse guy flipping. Meanwhile, Grace goes to me hard in the ass. Later removed the dildo and starts licking. Yes, I feel her tongue in her rectum, it is wonderful. The guy keeps me in the mouth salty liquid. There's so much but I try to swallow everything. It's not over yet - the woman says. Shapely ass sticking out and it gives me to hand lane. - Pour me now like the last whore, bitch, motherfucker rags. I start whipping girls challenging me from the worst: - You bitch, shit, urinary and spermojadko, SPIOR you and obesram later. Ass is getting a blue and red. She rubs the meantime, pizda and clitoris. Suddenly bends in orgiastic spasm. Now try this - re-orders. Ass sticking out again, guess what she meant, moves up and slide my language in the groove between the buttocks. I start licking her anus, as far as I introduce the language, perform sliding motions, chick farts into my mouth but it just excites me also happy to hesitate her scent. At the same time she does grace the guy again. Her anus is wonderful, it smells like a real woman. Now dick - chick yells. I introduce to anal fuck. After several moves excitedly tapped. - And finally, what do you like best - telling a woman brings to the bathroom sinks. Takes astride and re-releases of their wonderful warm yellow liquid. The guy at the time of fiercely masturbates. Urine gets in my mouth, face, eyes, taste and drink it with great delight. It is warm, salty, smells her promiscuous femininity. Flips the same time pushing and pulling a horse vibrator in the anus. Tapped to the pelvis. Her piss mixed with my sperm create an unforgettable blend. Together with the girl licks it with gusto. I am passionate kisses in the mouth, feeling the smell and taste of sperm mixed with urine. It is wonderful. She kisses her hands in gratitude for the wonderful pleasure portfolios. It's great, perverse slut, probably in August in love with her. These dreams help you much help with masturbation, what is the matter I'd give to meet a wonderful girl who pee into my mouth. Pissing very recently fascinated me, which does not mean that other companies do not like sex. On the contrary - I love everything. at the end was a small diverge from the topic.

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Masturbation Cute girl with a stick

For some time now I have not had a girl and therefore not my beater soaked in sweet cipeczkach. He got up the next day I went to work and work as head of the work fell on my head upierdliwego client, who had to sell it badziewie manufactured in our plants praising it as the best product on the market. The old cap was late so I decided to use the free time I started to browse the offers of other companies producing similar shit like my company.
bored I decided to have fun and hoping to talk with someone that went to normal page Shed - always thought it was crap because you can press kit to someone that speaks with a rod 180 cm tall blond super figure and beautiful blue eyes, and in fact is a 40 year old horny zakompleksioną balloons, hoping to provoke a young whale chłoptasia horse when compiling.

Looking around the various groups have chosen Podryw, no, and I was right when I read the first few bzdurnych text output as a general chat soon lost interest in me to enjoy the dubious pleasures, but at some point, she invited me to a private conversation with a girl nicknamed Jasmina.
As it turned out was on holiday in my city a few days and bored as a pug.
She described as a natural brunette with brown eyes and long legs. I thought that the operator reserves the fake pull me into some frivolous talk as I did last time. I had no desire for such entertainment, but I decided to put on one card and offer to meet her (I thought to myself if this is what describes this will agree and if it will cheat wymigiwać) and surprisingly the girl consented very happy for my proposals. We agreed on a 18:00 hour at the entrance to the park, she had to sit on the front bench of the shore. Disconnected from the Internet and still expecting a grumpy customer. Came to my office and told me the boss that our "wonderful" customer resigned from the meeting and make an appointment with me for some other time, using the opportunity that I had nothing urgent to do, I asked if I could leave early. I have received is not appreciated by my boss permission, I packed up and set up a jacket that was a Friday I went rear entrance to avoid invitations to party hopeless and boring unattractive organized by workers of our administration.
afternoon was a beautiful sunny spring has finally begun to rule that always gave me optimism and a desire to live.
I went home and forgetting that the old town to meet me of Jasmine from the net was given to me only an hour. Passing the shops I looked at the exhibition and watched many a tourist visiting my city every year. I came home at 17:30 I took a shower and changed clothes at home. At one point, looking for lying on my desk Note Book reminded me about the meeting with Jasmine. I dressed in a costume more appropriate for the first meeting that is slightly better than those jeans, which go around the house, and my favorite shirts with long sleeves. When I left home was 17:55 and the park had a large piece, and I knew that I'm late.
When I reached the place of the meeting came over me as a kind of fear before the first date but I thought I have nothing to lose, I went in the direction of the main avenues. And here the problem started only on the first three from the shore benches sat alone three women who looked like my myth naciągaczkach from the net. I poured a cold sweat as soon as I wanted to run away with the thought that one of them will come up to me and proves to be 'beautiful' Jasmine. I lowered my head down and started to walk away briskly, without looking ahead, suddenly a chicken .... what a pain that I felt fucked in the head lamps. I opened my eyes and I see before me is a nice stick on the sidewalk and holding up his head.
- sorry - I said to her
- I'm sorry - Replied
- Nothing you did not happen
- No thank you's, I looked around here because I meet with someone and did not watching the road again sorry eszcze
occurred to me that this is just Jasmina. I asked timidly:
- Do not wait for me by chance?
- And if you're the guy from the chat? - Asked
- Yes it's me and you are Jasmina?
- Actually
Gretel - I'm Adam, I would
- you, too - she replied. After a brief chat
stated to be not only very beautiful but also intelligent and nice. We went to a nearby beer garden where we had the small piwku.
Girl surprised me with its natural beauty was really long dark brown hair, big beautiful brown eyes, she had a beautiful make-up just a little painted lips that gave her an additional charm. Once I went to the bar to look at the figure which had nothing to reproach. High without a gram of overweight beautiful hips long legs well maintained and most importantly a beautiful and sweet ass! After a nice chat
we decided to go through the park has already caved in dusk and began to light up the lamp at the alleys. When I began to rumble that I decided to invite her to a pizza that is close to my house, agreed. After a hearty dinner kombinowałem like here to propose that joined me. It came out quite naturally, I told her that I live next to and whether or not be willing to attend even for a moment to me. To my surprise she replied - I would love it.
When we were at home I opened a bottle of red wine and turned on some music, started talking about the life of partners. I Admittedly undressed her eyes looked at her chest neck neckline
watched her behavior and I was afraid that he guessed that already give in my eyes. At one point I looked at his watch discreetly was north. Maggie was in a light mood that caused the alcohol and ran a glass full of gesticulating to favorite shirt. Then leaned over me with a cloth and I used the occasion to gently kissed her and waited for her reaction and the reaction was immediate, I climbed into his mouth and started to kiss very passionately. I thought, easy go try on. I started kissing her neck slowly place after place much she loved it then slid the strap of the bra tops and I took her arm. Then I knew it from her about the same as me. I put her on the bed lowered my blouse a little lower, and took off her bra and the front of my eyes revealed wonderful tits coherently with them as soon as I started, licked and sucked her nipples until it became hard. But she was not sitting idle off her I stained my shirt and stroked his hand over his chest did it very subtly and gently. Once you have been very hot with excitement, I took off her skirt and my tongue roamed over her stomach, pulled her panties and after a while I started to touch her hand and a great mound of pubic hair wypielęgnowanego paseczka. After a while my hand moved down where he was waiting for the pleasures wet pussy, touched her very gently and slowly moving his fingers up and down on the labia lips began to flow when I put drops of ecstasy sirotka two fingers to Maggie groaned.
When my fingers penetrated the shell, she began to touch her hand through my pants nabrzmiałego cock, but first I wanted to try the juice flowing from her pussy because he fell down and had set my language and the fast movements, the nectar was great and I wgłębiałem up until they I could not breathe. Through the body of Margaret Wila orgasms swept up in delight after giving up the bed is not maintained, then pushed up and started again, passionately kiss. Maggie takes the opportunity unbuttoned my pants and slipped them on my thighs, at a time when tilted my underpants red hot and wet beater jumped right into her hand, she began to touch him moving his hand up and down, I was close to ejaculating but sensed it and began to fondle my testicles touched them gently and very slowly, I decided that this is the moment when she should take the lead so I took her by the hips and in one motion I made that she was now on me. She stood up sat on my legs took the hand my cock which he then climbed into her mouth, I thought that this is a very experienced lover, caressing the very first acorn then placed him very deeply from time to time interrupting me not shot out, his other hand fondled my testicles. Once we had to go to the main course, I realized that I do not have condoms in the house but it did not cause it any problem she jumped on my cock and started sticking a sharp ride for the rider was miraculously entered into it the entire length of until moaned with delight. Strong
excitement that resulted in a few minutes drive, I felt that approaching the moment of ejaculation, I told her to come down and she finished the matter by hand, ejaculated her straight in the hand until warm cum flowed from his hand on the sheet. I then thought that it was worth waiting for as many weeks in the Sexual abstinence so that now survive such a departure. After the whole thing clung to me tightly and fell asleep.
morning I woke up and Gretel was taking a shower I decided to join, I went to cab and decided to start the day I did it to make ice cream as horny as the night but I'm not letting that was injured I lifted it up to my hips and leaned it against the wall. I put up the same cock eggs, tongue caressed her nipples, accelerated slightly and lowered his movements with her straight in the pussy (not thinking about further consequences of such folly.)
I will remember this night for the rest of my life, and consequently there was no shower madness but it does not bother us to be together. Goshia agreed to move to me, ditched his former job and we are together, who would have thought that through our online chatowi which I was so hot opponent.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What Is The Cap On A Yamaha Phazer Carburator

train erotic

never forget what happened in the last holiday. I was returning from the sea. At one station to the compartment she got my girl. It could be years from 1921 to 1923. Slim brunette. She was wearing a blue summer dress up to half of the thigh. Legs beautiful, wonderfully constructed and lightly tanned, as I like. She sat down in front of me and began to read a newspaper. Newspaper clobbered her face, I could now freely enjoy this wonderful body, not fearing that it realizes and will be a bit silly to me because I stared at the place where he hid the thigh under her dress. At one point, Grace moved and spread your legs wider. I saw the very exciting sight: not wearing underwear! Although the range was still 3 other people, but I could see her hole, due to the fact that it sat on the counter. I saw pink lips surrounded by a narrow strip hair, unless she had them every day to nurture. Blood began to me circulate faster, it flowed into my member, who was getting bigger. I could not tear his eyes from her lovely treasures.
girl at some point in vigorous movement sprang newspaper and smiled looked me in the eye, she knew that I stared at her pussy. Also saw my bulging pants. Suddenly she stood up, and getting more widely parted thighs. She left the band and began to slowly walk towards the toilet. I went for it. I was getting closer and closer and when I almost went to the toilet snatched her by the arm. Not turned up, and stood for a moment and slightly bent. I was already sure that it is the same thing. One put his hand under her skirt and grabbed for the hip and the other pulled the penis to the outside - stood and was ready to play. Lifted her dress, I approached her to him and began to slowly fall into it. She was really wet, and her wonderful warmth began to warm my penis. She began to move, I slipped into it faster and deeper. After a while, knocking her to the rhythm of train wheels clatter, I felt that it pussy starts to perform a series of contractions on my pole, it always drove me to the ecstasy - drove a few times and started szczytować with her, took a good half a minute before they stopped to pour into it the last drop of my semen.
When he recovered, I noticed that the train enters the station. Beautiful stranger moved toward the range. I decided to wait a little longer. But when I came to the range already, I noticed that there is either her or her things. The train started, I looked out the window and saw that he was standing on the platform and waving to me. Waved to her and then the wind podwiał her summer dress and the last time I saw her a great hole. Never again ... I met her

Sunday, June 14, 2009

How Early Can I Renew My Ohio

Winter (June, July, August)


Winter ... other than European, but also freezes ... Though mainly at night, because during the day to dwadziestu degree heat.

Today I invite you to my hut Baba Yaga, in winter, quiet, sunny morning bezgościowy . Only cats, me and guests from Blogowiska ...
Photos are at the bottom, below which the Blogowisku information.

Blogowisku And what?
Pleas for help: males in Poland looking for caregivers and "Meat kills."
Columns: Magda M. Still yet, unfortunately ... But there are pics of Paul Małaszyńskiego (as a reward ...)
gallery first Green: winter on the outskirts of Sydney

second gallery blue: a report from the exhibition artist painter Bozena Glajcher and links to our photo gallery from the show Theatre Fantasy "Castling"
Humor Polonia: throw new ...
My photography: the same winter day, just at dusk and at night, and already in the heart of Sydney
Advertisements news Polonia and Polish
Poetry prosaic: Love is blue - 3 rows on the topic, in the final archive: Dear

Polonia: report the May 3 ceremony in Sydney
diary : even last a little posiedzi ...
Interviews: with Łunarzewską Asia, with her songs, successes, what it does on a daily basis, which has plans to
Party Radio 2000FM
information on subsequent broadcasts

Gallery: Father Jan Twardowski Café "At Pegasus", the last archive: to return home by train, after the broadcast 06/06/2009
Body: Chamomile Beata in Poland Spring (polska. ..) in Krakow, Kazimierz, Prague (in preparation)
current broadcast: by clicking on the link to the right, you can listen anytime, day or night

Here's a movie, which produced this very day ...

Ps. Not everything is still drove to Blogowisko, so be patient ...