sorry, sorry, sorry!
early July, May and I still blogging!
course on blogs is a lot of new things, it's just information ... jammed.
a few days, new information and new diary - I promise!

sorry that celebrated the Easter and May, but this time the technical fault and not my laziness! The computer had me fed up and got out after the week has run 80% limit, the Internet, thanks to the discovery of YouTube!
do recommend, however the damn tube of all, because there is almost everything! Even the blue-black songs from the beginning of the existence and Keanu Reeves playing the bass guitar in a "Dogdstars. And Roman Giertych, who suspiciously sexy (although the anti-sexy ...) mobile phone sucks ...
But you have to have proof and strong internety computers that have the power to adopt similar information. And of course, you must load a special program from the Internet to listen to music (one of Adobe).
computer is already running, and for the performance warmly thank GRZESIOWI PANTEROWI, because every time it is Grzesio makes what is not working begins to work! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
so I'm going back to work, but must admit, during the break rozleniwiłam terribly, but the I take a handful!

Humor Polonia: another bunch of humor with Polish media.
Columns: O lying back on the example of advertising "anemones" Elizabeth Wojnarowska.
diary: "Molitva" won Eurovision! You can listen! And: May in Australia, the last month of autumn ...
Polonia positive : painting Bozena Glajcher
appeals for help : World Vision WSPA and warmest thanks all guests to a birthday party Selma! At WSPA gathered and were paid $ 320 AU
Polonia Announcements and Events: Events May, and messages of Our Polonia and AGL. Mark Baterowicza Relation of the event, "O woman, almost everything." (Note, on this blog are articles not only mine) and Olimpol Korpak - Table Tennis Championships. Polonia 80s - the ratio of M. Baterowicza.
Gallery: Relation to the promotion of the book Tatiana Kaminska, "Aboriginal Australia."
Gallery 2: Table Tennis Championships - an event organized by Korpak International and Olimpol
Ela Celejewska Radio 2000FM:
still broadcast from 2003 - slide show, which is an interview with the deceased tragically Kazmirowicz Kora, and the first festival in Darling Habour. Soon the current program (there are problems loading): Wojtek Druce tells about a trip to Morocco, and the chief photographer sydnejskiej Polonia - Tom Koprowski about their hunting of the lens. There is also a remembrance of the dead musicians: Jacek Lech and Andrew Kurylewiczu. I especially recommend rhyme J. Brzechwy Fri "Duck" performed Konrad Aksinowicza and Darius Kurzelewskiego - this is my private protest against the discrimination of this beloved by children aged 4 to 100 fabulist! Is it really Polish government has more important things on his head?
(crafted in the coming days on other sites and will put the information right away.)
Welcome to newly created page Polish section of Radio 2000FM is a link to the right - click! and you!

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