Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Ex Royal Navy Ships Sale
last day of school today, took place under the sign of sweetness. I stopped for a moment in the south and I could not believe how. Wherever you go in classrooms and corridors were decorated with candy. Children pouring chocolate into molds to the shape of Nicholas, posypywaly sugar gingerbread cookies to exchange. The students wandered the halls with trays and handed out cupcakes and other baked biscuits that were previously in the house. Absolute madness. Lessons almost was not. In Justin's class zwymiotowalo five children, in Logan, "tilde" troika was the same reason, the nurses derived. I told the dentist, because I was later at the annual cleaning of teeth. Zaczol laugh and rub his hands: "very well, I'll have more patients, " chortled happily.
boys are back home with backpacks full of sweets, refused to eat dinner. I know it is only a few times a year (Halloween, Valentine's Day, Easter), but whether it has any meaning what?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Rash Looks Like Pityriasis Rosacea
cordial thanks for the help and advice. I have used several ways at once. I bought a special candle to absorb odor and sponges for the same purpose, which set ups around the house after the fire. also was cooking on the stove half of apple cider (not clarified juice of apples ) with cinnamon sticks, toast and spice to the skins of oranges. poukladalam near curtains "cloth" du drying laundry in the dryer.
"Scent" is already gone.
children as gifts every year at the school bought in the shop of St. Nicholas for the other members of the family. Dalam 10 dollars to each of four bits and pieces (parents and siblings). Items are donated by families of students with dwonastej class and usually are used. All things tend to cost 50 cents or a dollar. It is a gainful students share.
Logan Coming from school after he confided that he wanted to buy me a real diamond, but it was too expensive and not enough fuduszy him. "I'm sorry, Mom," he said "Brilliant cost the $ 3 '.
Well, by my stinginess such a wonderful gift I flew near the nose!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Pregnant Chihuahua Nipples
My husband works from September on a half-time, 60 hours a week (in addition to an hour each page takes you.) The situation was supposed to be temporary and last for only a month, but I do not want to Bogus from the pile muddle. This is useful for us the extra money, no doubt. But I worry immensely, because he has no longer the years and should not strain in August so, especially since even in his free time renovating the house. Bogdan
does not explain to me their plans and did not want to say how long that will pull in these two works. I think that he is very worried about the economic situation. Media frighten constantly oncoming inflation, the government prints money without the cover, it is unclear what will be after the new year. So far I have at home a very tired man, who does everything in order that after the did not show. Yesterday
not shut the gas into a pot of pork. He was the last "leg" and fell asleep on the couch waiting for reheating dinner in August. I woke in the night swat unbearable. I ran down and began to open all windows and doors. Smoke so much was not yet, but the smell of burnt pork fat was not intolerable. None of the male family member does not woke up (or Bogus, boys, even the dogs). The young lady jumped out of bed and shouting burned, he will be the second time she had to take shower, I do not want burning smell in the school.
My mom burnt meatballs in the kitchen, so that only coals were. I was then in high school. I remember the smoke around the home as we returned from church, but I do not recall takigo a terrible stench. I do not know how to lure him. Open windows for a few hours did not yield any result (well, at least there is no frost). I'll go to the store today after some Sprey, but I doubt that a lot of help. For sure I'll have to work all the curtains. Oh, no woman had trouble .....
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Life Span People Stage4b Pancreatic Cancer
Sitting on the couch I took both hands and mouth of the dog zagadujac of boredom I said:
"Very soon we will have a Star"
Miss: "You're going to buy the dog gift under the tree?"
"Well, why him about Christmas wogole you say?" Jesika corresponds shocked.
Trek 2.1 Versus Specialized
Why do people do not show the borrowed books? I do not understand this "habit." We have quite a substantial library of home and happy to lend their collections to friends. Books alone will never come back to us. Without exception. It does not matter whether the person is a native of Polish or from the United States, does not play the role of sex or age. After the borrowed volumes you have to admonish, and it several times. And there is that I'm pushy, or impatient. Waiting usually a few months. I borrowed a book about child rearing teacher Justin in June, once in August dopomnialam pozdzierniku and still silence. The owner of summer camps on our street, holding our three political books about communism already more than a year (Mr. seventies). My friend-Polka, reads two short stories from me since September. This is not the end, because the list is long. Not enough that no-one seems in passing, it also does not have any mention of this subject such as: "Do not worry, not yet finished reading," or "I will give you a novel in the next week", etc.. Since Monday I am doing
share "RECOVERY".
always puts in a short time materials borrowed from other people, and most often do not lend at all. Kożysta with shops and libraries.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Full Sets Kates Playground
is getting colder at night. Today was 18 degrees below zero. Cat can not expel from the house already, pushing August drzwiamii windows. Tremendously grown fat, because it from the dog bowl with no limits, and sleeps all day in ciepelku. Dogs in the house for it can not handle. Their satisfaction with life is inversely proportional to the amount of mercury. I want them although a couple of hours in the last at home in such a sulphurous frosts, because they are still young and do not want something to happen. Does not react so late in the evening on a dog with requests to open the door. Seeing that pokes their noses and do not result in squealing and playing mercy on us not doing impressions, the dogs are going to the bedroom boys and liza Logan's face. This developed a clever method. Our son is half-conscious, not knowing what's going on, stands up and releases the dogs.
Last week, our pets had the gameplay of the coyotes. We heard through the open window sounds fiercely fighting and barking dog. Children fell in a panic, because although felines vase almost 50 kg and are larger than coyotes, are young (9 months) and do not travel in a herd. Bogdan ran out into the yard with a shotgun and shoot in the air zaczol. Usually the sound of shots drives the coyotes, which also happened to this time. Waited for the return of dogs with anxiety. I imagined a lot of blood, torn ear, lame leg. After a minute the two "heroes" jumped out of the woods satisfied, without prejudice to the body (and mind?), Tail wagging. Whew .... It's not bad.
dogs get their defense functions homes very seriously. I am awed by their genetic record. Surely this behavior, one of our dogs do not learn! If we in the middle, and the dogs outside, bark at everything that moves and chasing animals in the forest. (How are with us such as the city does not bark wogole and behave very calmly.) Often one goes outside at night, and the other sleeps in the house, and the next night are changing, as the guard. Similarly, as I go with them in the woods. One runs somewhere further, and the second circle, holding on to my leg like I watched. And then change. Very funny creatures. Lady Stop Worrying stayed home alone for an hour or two. She takes the dogs inside, and I can arrange something to go quietly in the town and daughters do not have to detach from the homework.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Charlie Horse When Swallowing
Vesta since he has been a school bus with our kids. This is a person of character, taken straight from an American movie. It certainly 70 years or more, with white hair is always impeccably-looking straight from the barber's, a sports outfit (trousers and sweater) and with paragraph nieschodzacy gentle smile. As I first saw a year ago after changing the driver I was devastated. Only now I will have phones from school and a meeting on the bad behavior of Justin on the bus, I thought. Justin will be an old lady, "jumped" on the head and the poor can not cope!
Now, I do not have any phones because you can not do this to children in cereal blow. He has over 40 years of experience with bachorami and no one jump. Even at them screaming, and never once did not stop bus due to my son as the previous lady. Not trying to make friends with the kids and get down to their level, is to be as she wishes, or break!
lets you every day for a whole controller music "country" radio, which you hate Logan. Previous driver listened to the music which he likes young people. Older lady, even in August no one dare to ask about the possibility of changes in the repertoire. We all pass by in silence, torture, and waiting until the end of the route. Logan often poured out their frustrations at home: "What is this woman?" She is unbearable! He drives wildly through the city violating traffic regulations, exceeds the limits of speed, tortures us awful music. I can not stand it any longer! ! " often hear in the kitchen after school.
Not long ago my youngest son came home from school in the perfect mood. Caught up to me and excitedly begins to recount what just wydazylo.
"Mom, imagine, met today with the courage and I asked Veste to change the radio station!" said with pride in his voice "changed it to" triple X "and just liked the song that I stopped the bus between the seats and began to dance!" .
barks I fell. "Impossible!" speech.
"Yes. Impossible." Logan replied with resignation, "Just wanted to wish you could of" with his head down and went to the kitchen.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Velocity Scooter 150cc Review
I walk the dogs every day for a walk. I'm trying to do at least 6 km, lest they get tired. The woods are not on a leash, so I run around in the bushes everywhere, and certainly doing 10 kilometers more than I do. I go usually defined for snowy trails for motorbikes, because it is easier for me. As I do not want to go away I choose shorter (half hour), the trail runs near our house. Yesterday walking down the shorter path I came across a huge area of \u200b\u200bcut and fallen trees. Not in the first second I knew what happened. In September of this devastation was not. It looked like the trumpet air. Only after a while I realized that the beavers! Well, the scooter is not pojezdza winter tour. Unbelievable views, tree diameter at breast height in a wide range of at least 40 centimeters were lying everywhere allowed as matches. Tama huge and a big house near the bank Bobrza carefully caked mud. Zcietych teeth near the trees I counted thirty. Small trees have not counted, and there were innumerable. The huge engineering project designed and constructed reproduced accurately in less than three months. I had a lot of trouble to go to the other side of the trail, and I did not want to come back. I tried not to bathe in the water, break the branches and to climb over the cut and fallen trunks and get out of this without the torn clothes. Made work was so impressive that I wanted to now see some of each side. Today, I took the boys there (Jesika obviously was not interested.) I have no photos, because both cameras are broken (August wysluzyly old woman), but maybe in the near future I will be able to fix something in this topic.
do not know if the globe is another species out of beaver and a man who with their activities can so drastically change the landscape, to change the course of the river and raise the water level by several meters.
not the first time I walked through bobrzym "realm." Every time I was impressed. Yesterday, however, what I saw in the woods almost struck me to my knees.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Pokemon Mobile Online
Merry Christmas!
Exactly ... waiting.

Although ... actually prefer as it is cold because the heat over 40 degrees overwhelms back ... :) To the chair.
can only sit and watch TV ... (Fortunately, not the Polish lewopropagandowe teledzienniki ...)
frightening view of what the climate is changing, for Australia, however, may be beneficial.
so let's hope that this summer we did not suffocate, but please God to sunshine!
Because of moisture, even candies dissolve, not to mention, the money dries a few days, not like usually a few hours. Well, pressure drops, and still need to act ...
On Sunday, December 5 great Polish festival - Polish Christmas, in the heart of Sydney on Darling Habour, let's hope that it will be raining ...
I'm going with the camera, if not I'll laze, then throw the festival videos on YouTube and I'll probably hundreds of photographs that will be on fotogaleriach.
Far from my ogródeczka: a few moments of sunshine, and what most - rain ...
Notice What is a funny garden - all the plants fled up into the sun ...
And what a mix of pine, palm, eucalyptus, which is not wisteria blossoms, for it is extremely thick leaves, and some fruit tree, no matter what for some, because someone threw it. suffered, I saved and I will grow, it has beautiful leaves ... I should have some yellow owocki, although I have not had.

the square near the amazing flowers I grew up, never never seen such. They are about 3 feet tall, well formed groves ... bloomed all spring, very thick, purple-blue, yet still in bloom though less ... Smell sweet and full of bees in them. Someone knows their name?
Ps. Does anyone know what I do with my grass in the garden to grow? Recently dug, I gave a fertilizer, planted it. Beautifully grown into a month and simply ... disappears!
Ps. 2 - I have a new camera: Panasonic Lumix TZ10, the pictures are way better technically ... ________________________________________________
Friday, December 3, 2010
Dry Cough 7 Month Baby
The house is Only one person allergic to cat Logan. It is not difficult to guess where the cat sleeps in the day, at Logan's bed! I get out of it without mercy a few times a day. I shut the door to the bedroom, I lay in bed items, I am doing everything to discourage or prevent the cat it is our practice. The next day we forget to close the door and the cat just put on "a small allergy 'bed. I bought futrzakowi messages of their own, even in August for not niespojzal. What a stubborn beast!
Citing A Patent In Mla Format
I got tired of this "not writing", so I'll be back on the blog and welcome all guests steadfast.
before the show Mazovia palnelam speech on children's behavior. Warned them that I do not know how to show will be boring for them, can not talk or behave poorly in the audience. I will also not tolerate any negative comments. (freedom of speech in the family is but not to such an extent:))) I'm taking them because I think that it is important to know the culture of his native country and have at least the parents have no idea what it is folk costume. This trip was supposed to be educational, not a rock band concert. I did not want to listen to every 5 minutes "when we go home?"
Nothing similar has not happened .... Mazowsze tumbled children with legs! Logan sat with an open face, and as the Mountaineers came on the scene is no longer able to refrain from Yelling: "How they doing this? It's not possible! And these are ciupagi metal, not plastic fake!, Top notch! "Etc etc is not Justin tore sight from the stage for two hours until I started to cry with laughter as a soloist to sing at the end of zaczol concert in English" folk "song American . The young lady obviously commenting on the beautiful costumes by next week and watching the repetition performances on DVD at home. It was with such a happy turn of events. A lot of people do not like folklore and the Mazowsze went not to the principle. I forgot, however, that our children are American and have not seen these "miracles". All this was new for them and were able to appreciate the cultural achievements.