hot summer, so time for a bath, but only on a small beach ...

new year came in January is already over , and was still underway Blogowisku spring ... Lots of other classes, but it's not an excuse ....
This page did not move for 3 months, but others still something happens, so do not ask because if you linger here and unlock the chapters ...
In Australia, summer and is one that gives hell! We felt this year, the effects of global warming. Several times the temperature exceeded 40 degrees Celsius. Today we had 39 degrees, but fortunately the sun was covered in clouds, and maybe the smog? ...
In Australia, a tax is a convenient feature: usually if the terrible heat, in the evening the temperature drops 20 degrees. Rarely persists for several days. (Speech course of Sydney ...)
storms while they are annoying, pogrzmi, postraszy and rain will fall as much as the mighty little ...
put some pictures of the storm, which was not in total, although it looked scary ...
and miraculous downpour, after which at last! can be healthy to sleep ...

recently by 3 weeks pouring rain! ... Almost like the "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Marquez ...
What's new on Blogowisku?
What's new on Blogowisku?
appeals for help: Call Life Rescue Foundation, in the final archive: international day of "Free dog with a chain!" Dandy-Walker Foundation
Gallery 2 : performance by Selma in a pub in Chippendale in the last zrchiwum: after sunset in the port Darling Habour
Gallery 1: Sunday in the Chippendale, last archive: Sydnejskie
Conservatory of Music My photography: White, the January-west, in the last archive away the old year, 2009 - New Years Eve sunset in
Polonia: report Bogumiły Philip the festival PolArt and Harvest Festival in Adelaide
Advertisements Goat Fest, Polish schools and other ...
Conservatory of Music My photography: White, the January-west, in the last archive away the old year, 2009 - New Years Eve sunset in
Polonia: report Bogumiły Philip the festival PolArt and Harvest Festival in Adelaide
Advertisements Goat Fest, Polish schools and other ...
Home Radio 2000FM - what next, the February auditions (And to hear the actual broadcast)
Gallery radio - a meeting with the author of "S @ motności Web" - Janusz Leon Wisniewski
Silhouettes - witches' sabbath in Beaty Chamomile
You do not even like we saw Joanna Pante r over 4 years old, and her newborn (8 October 2009) brother Daniel 3.5 months.

Children grow so quickly and so we have time (it) is just flying ...
little girls loved my best wishes: let you time passes slowly and happily so, that you have time, can be a good time to enjoy! ...