Summertime Janis Joplin - whether there is a better singer than her? I doubt it ... I really doubt that this is ever born, unless it will be her next incarnation ...
A better version of this track is not on the throughout the world. Here, she begins to sing chord, I do not know, Have you noticed this out ...
God Bless You - Janis, for ever and ever ...
In Australia, the heat! ...
And now I thought that we climate cooled ... Last year's summer was rather cool, especially temperatures below 30 degrees, so I was hoping for a repeat of the weather, and here again, unfortunately przygrzało ...
Fortunately, our climate has mercy on what is alive! If it's like 46 degrees at noon, it's the evening is just 26 degrees. In any event, it was a few days above 40 degrees in the sun ... A further year at least one month ahead ...
(From the last moment: its raining again ...)
At such temperatures Sydney celebrated the 170th anniversary of the Polish presence in NSW, since so many years have elapsed from the time when the earl Polish family has put its foot on the Australian continent. It is true that before, because 200 years ago were planted here the Polish prisoner, but that we prefer not to celebrate the anniversary, though God knows whether the poor fellow really something to blame? Maybe someone stole a piece of bread?
recently saw on TV that these days!, The U.S. sentenced a man to 25 years in prison for a piece of pizza ukradzenie boy ... The conclusion is that the law has its lawlessness, until today ...
Blogowisku And what?
appeals for help : Fires in Victoria , floods in Queensland and NSW, Kielce quintuplets need help, and maybe you will adopt kiciunię Scully and male Mulderka ? ...
Columns: Magda M. and other film ... misunderstanding
gallery: an exhibition of paintings by Kris Kosa the celebrations of the 170th anniversary
Gallery 2: a sensational concert Łunarzewskiej Asia, too, on the occasion of 170th anniversary
Humor : it will soon be the new
My photos : west with the transition to that world ...
Announcements and Events Polonia : news and 170th anniversary
Poetry: oh, I'll try to stick to something new ...
Polonia : other 170-anniversary events , Wanted Ads, before an exhibition of paintings by Polish artists
diary: the most neglected, but it is takin ...
Interviews: Interview with Dr. soon. Kaja Lukaszewicz, the most important Polish events sponsorką
Radio 2000FM: current programs and announcements
radio Gallery: Meeting with the geographer, traveler, world record holder, writer, residing in Canada Jurek Adamuszkiem
Silhouettes employees : Jaga Nasielska and Michael Macioch before recording the memories of John Machulski
contrast, the latest version of YouTube " White Cross, "Christopher Klenczona . Version Asi Łunarzewskiej and Tom Williams . I tried to make this movie on Klenczona 67 birthday, but a few days too late, because of the 170-anniversary.
invite all for watching video on YouTube, however, there is the possibility watching high-definition video and then it looks as normal . A wonderful music ...
's park, 15 minutes from the center of Sydney, and as the Polish countryside ... This is the park is immortalized in the Australian version of "White Cross".
Lake is a remnant of the ocean (the park lies on depression) and just behind the park, accessible to all, extend to golf courses.
taken Ela Celejewska