
recently the sun has lit ...
our pine, palm neighbor - love is ...
movie from the camera: cat synchronization, on a rainy day ...
September began first in Australia spring. But the weather changed so far is insignificant ... Here, the seasons a little different, you must live in the depths of the continent to register major changes. Most plants are green all year round. Others are already starting to release buds, flowers bloom in their gardens. Unfortunately, after several days of warm rains again ...! ... Given what I put down a pretty rainy pics.
Morpheus - man he knows what he's doing in this weather is sitting on the closet!
Batman proposes to spend some time even better when it rains ...
At the end of the year, the Sydney organizing a concert of songs by Krzysztof Klenczona ...
(I hope that this watch is water resistant ...)
What Blogowisku:
Appeals: Do not let the cruelty to animals, I have a dream Foundation, Appeal to the Polish-American organizations - who can help financially, Polish children suffering from MPS?
Upside down in Australia : Ugh, somehow I do not want to enter the OnetBlog - sorrrki! Still there for me "upside down", therefore, the same old way - the plane to Australia.
Columns: Another "Can we have the right not to know?" that is, Lilya 4ever. Soon the UFO. Problems with your computer, then tyyyyyle classes and there is no time for rewriting at least delivered on the radio essay! ...
gallery: 64 photos the sentimental journey of legendary author of the Polish big beat - Franciszek Walicki Vilnius.
Gallery 2: Łunarzewska Asia with the "rebellious angel" in Szczytna ie, in the final archive: pictures of Christopher Klenczona from the collections of friends.
Humor : spring throw Polish zmyłek ...
My pics: Well ... Now I give you! ... I've bought a digital camera and do nothing just shoot! ... So now : sunsets in Daceyville, last spring in Daceyville archive. In the penultimate: I invite you to our domeczku Baba Yaga. Even the black cat is! Ha! ...
Advertisements: spring case (or only? ... Probably not only ...).
Poetry: "Dear - row and the latest movie YouTube and my pics ... coming out of my road, in the penultimate archive: a future fall. " (perversely drove to the spring - because I autumnal mood, and I did a movie with that previously recorded by Martha Kieć-Gubałę , line. There are also photos of the beautiful autumn George Bielas of Polish. )
Polonia : third prize for Asia at the Festival Lyrics Łunarzewskiej them. Christopher Klenczona in Szczytno! In the last archive: canonical visit of Fr. General Thomas Sielicki , Trzeciomajowa Academy in Ashfield, Meeting the writer Andrzej Grabowski Polish School District of the Northern and VI Table Tennis Tournament organized by Olimpol .
diary: Oh my Angel of the Vatican, 2006 Jane Eyre, by Zdzislaw Smoktuły Chcicy , manuscript Roger Bacon, Zazie in the Metro , friendship and emails, and mystery ... ( excuse for stagnation - as in newspaper columns ...)
Interviews: Chris Frankowski - judoka senior, tells how he won the Australian representative to the Olympics! ... And there are plenty of fotografii z wielu zawodów K. Frankowskiego.
Radio : Na stronie głównej - aktualne aktualności. Uwaga! Co tydzień informacja - co będzie w bieżącej audycji.
Fotogaleria radia : Historia jednej ...audycji . (z 13.09.08)
Sylwetki : b.z. (brak czasu i lenistwo kolesiów...)
Audycja Radia 2000FM - audycje aktualne, już wbijamy co tydzień!
Na Blogowisku : Eli Ce broadcast will not be for some time . Looking for a good server and then promise not only shows ... (Can someone help me find? Server, of course ...)
Because I hate to walk around after the rain, I put only the photos taken from the house ...