Fall River near Sydney ...
In Australia this fall. Such as in Poland, once the summer at times, because now apparently it can be pretty bad!
Since the climate is changing, the Australian summer was cold this year. Fortunately! forty At temperatures a few degrees, in combination with 80-90% humidity, you feel like a pot of boiling water ...
But even a mild autumn and news Blogowisku.
Pleas for help: Swaibu from Uganda, construction of wells in Cameroon sponsor and organize the Poles.
Upside down in Australia are still plane to Blogowiska ...
Columns: Thoughts behind the wheel, "Do we have the right not to know?" (About the film "Lilya 4-Ever")
nice gallery: Photos Tom Koprowski the premiere chauffeur Archibald in Fantasy Theatre. In the last report archive Tom Koprowski the announcement of competition results Archibald Prize 2008 . Recent works sydnejskiej known artist painter Bozena Glajcher.
nice gallery 2: The Photographs of Christopher Klenczona from private collections of friends and fans. In the last archive: Iwona Bartkiewicz ("Poetry in the streets of Sydney"), before returning permanently to the Polish, dared to parachute jump!
My photography: new chapter, just my pics. Water ... In the last archive Koza.
Humor Polonia: April's joke, unfortunately, not primaaprilisowe ...
Announcements and Events Polonia: the April case. Protest in Tibet, a poem sent by Elizabeth Szczepanska and much, much more ...
poetry prosaic: "Poetry in the streets of Sydney" (Nareszcie! What ?...) In addition to making a film story line, and the help of friends. Also a lot of shots from the film. It seems that soon we will put the line read, and perhaps the film itself.
Polonia positive: Builders in the library of the Polish Home in Ashfield - report Eli Imperial.
diary - diary of unusual: "Shadow of the Wind" CR Zafón, my two PS Valentine's Day broadcast, even with Svetim Stefanie and others ...
niewylizane Interviews: A meeting with Czeslaw Niemen during his stay in Sydney in 1993.
Eli broadcast on Radio 2000FM Celejewskiej - April 12, 08R:
report release Fantasy Theatre (Chauffeur Archibald), Gajkowski Adam talks about the activities of our Polish . In view of the end of year concerts songs Christopher Klenczona interview with the Artistic Director of Concert Henclewska Barbara and an interview with music composer to the text Kondratowicza J. and W. Wilczkowiaka "Rebel Angel", and the performer of this song - Asia Łunarzewską.
on the net put Broadcast Janusz Iwanus - thanks!
Home: News (also pierwszokwietniowe ..)
2000fM Radio Gallery: chauffeur Archibald comedy Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska in Fantasy Theatre, a report by Jerzy Grzesiak photo.
workers silhouettes Radio 2000FM: verse portraits
current Broadcast: places on the net Bart Dziubiński with the help of Beaty Chamomile and Staszek Mikołajskie.
Some autumn photos from Australia