invite you to listen to my last broadcast on the radio 2000FM. (link on the right - a show put on the internet Janusz Iwanus )
are in her interviews with many Polish-American activists about the ending year, greetings, horoscope for 2008 - for the whole world, and even an interview with Liza cat!

Blogowisko faced competition for Blog of the Year 2007!

remember: This page is only to enter the Blogowisko - telling you what and where it is located.
-door links to each blog post-separation are on the right side.
click the left mouse key is to them, which also opens a three 2000FM radio and archives, in which everything (from the beginning), is collected.
If you have time, you could ferret ...
And now, well ... read from dear - keep your fingers crossed! Blogowisko was awarded to ...
tree three stories tall, the Eastgardens Shopping Centre - Sydney

And again we have a feast, once again flew the year ...
All czytaczom and zaglądającym the Blogowisko
cordial wishes for healthy, happy and prosperous Christmas And peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year 2008,
wishes Ela Celejewska
most important event in November 2007. Polonia sydnejskiej:
BAL RADIO 2000FM, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary!
hall was full!
A is the "perpetrator" 2000FM radio!
Reports photographic search
pages radio and a nice photo gallery - today!
Photos cloudy, because ...
... in Australia the climate is changing, instead of years we have ... equatorial winter, rain, stifling!
But if you want to cheer him up, scroll down.
There is a photo gallery of the stars of cieplutkich Blogowiska
- Joanna Panter.
I like the rain!
Polish lake - a mood similar to the current weather in Australia. (Although this is a photo of the Polish year ...) photographed by Marek Szałański
the Australian summer, but some uninteresting . Very warm yet were not there, and lately it really pours and pours, and sometimes even cold. Even once again covered with duvets and blankets (with the windows open at right), where this time it should be a thin quilt.
It seems that the climate travels throughout the various parts of the earth. You can see he got tired of sitting in the same places. I wonder now who we - Australian (which We turned away ...) warms?
CO on blogs?
Appeals: Information World Vision (I added a link to the sponsorship) and WESP.
Upside down in Australia charter aircraft continued to fly the Polish here - in 2 seconds (click-click).
Columns: suicide racism. Somehow, I'm sitting behind the wheel enough lately, but about zwariowaniu others write ...
Gallery: Photographs Christmas - who will put send! In recent archives: concert band instruments former The Sydney Consort " and pianist Krzysztof Malek in Ashfield DP. In the penultimate archive: Family Picnic at Plumpton.
Gallery 2: Bal 2000FM radio - of course !!!... In the penultimate evening of poetry archive Maryla Rose, painting Maryla Berezovsky and music performed by Eve hoes and Krzysztof Malek. (photo T. Koprowski ) In przedprzedostatnim archive: Polish climates (this year) photographed by Janusz Iwanusa.
Humor Polonia: is a new serving! There are not many czytaczy falls, and sometimes they are really funny bits! PO-LE-CAM!
Announcement: The December news and greetings from ... (A few photos from 200FM radio BALL it is!)
Poetry: "Sadness Norwid in samba Pa Ti." poem written in 71 years on the island of Hvar in the Adriatic. (And what a nice picture, ho, ho!) On the video, and Santana Samba Pa Ti. In the penultimate archive "Devil's dormitory" my longest poem incredible ballad full horror fiction and true, a bitter childhood . recommend (as I read the line), take a look video : Street Fair and Park Skaryszewski . Films made today, there is no trace of them post-war poverty, but the evil atmosphere of these places survived. Something like that is ...
Polonia: Ball, ball, ball! - Once every 15 years! Information on the new board and new members of the Polish section of Radio 2000FM (with photos). Information on the new board KOPA (I'm waiting for a report on the elections ...).
diary: October - is all about the beautiful island-hotel on Adriatic - by Stefanie Sv. Other issues are and also how to foretold fame Vinicius Chróstowi and as I watched, after 40 years "Pharaoh." new diary, I promise after New Year.
Interviews: writes an interview with Anna Sroka , soon will be ... Unfortunately, after the new year, had not enough time! (Ojejej! how hard do you spell interviews ... If this is long ...)
Radio 2000FM: The December message: Holy, holy, holy! Konrad Aksinowicz film ends with "Unexpected change of sex." Feuilleton M. Baterowicza "Evil was good." BAL, BAL, BAL! We have given you hell, przekonaliście yourself! Information: new board and new members of the Polish section of Radio 2000FM (with fotkami).
radio gallery: BAL on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the radio camera captured Tom Koprowski - 63 photos! In the near future archives: an evening of poetry Maryla Rose, painting Maryla Berezovsky, with live music Eve and hoes Krzysztof Malek . (photo T. Koprowski) Our radio was there! In the penultimate archive: Anna Sroka - excellent, singing actress who conquered the Polish community in a jiffy Australian audiences! A series of photographs Anna Sroka made Tom Koprowski.
Body work in radio 2000FM: radio at a ball - on the occasion of the 15th anniversary, read funny epigrams about employees to the radio, by Bogumil Drozdowski . They are already on this site, including photographs, that you sometimes do not mistaken ... Also, a poem Eli Chylewski our radiowcach.W only archive: figure seriously, slowly joined by a forgetful and lazy successive, a compilation of all soon.
Radio Broadcast: Current . Radio broadcasts on the Internet include Dziubiński with the help of Bart Beaty we Chamomile and Stanislaw Mikołajskie - thanks!
On Blogowisku - already! old program last year - from 29/12/2007 . Very optimistic! The memories of many Polish activists of the past year, positive horoscopes for 2008. Even interview with Liza cat! I recommend, it's nice to hear ...
The broadcasts include Blogowisku Janusz Iwanus - thanks!

Spring photographs at the end. And who is the best spring if not smiling and happy child? - So Joanna PANTER.
(unfortunately not photographed pouring rain, but maybe someone will send me? ... Rain ... it is nice in the photograph.)
Spring malowanko - helping Daddy! ...