Australian Ocean - as you can see wild! Nothing zaciszności, homeliness. It is obvious that the winds howl like hell and no one knows what we might meet here! An unexpected tsunami?!

What's new on blogowisku?

Columns: Father Polish Blues - Turtles - dead
diary: yet previous. Who has not read - I invite you, is to visit Czeslaw Niemen in Australia in 1993. and about the "Wisdom of fools" Idries Shana.
Polonia: Polish Cultural Week - summary with photos of Tom Koprowski
Gallery: TKP Tom Koprowski in the lens, will be the next day in the near future. (Tomorrow I'm going to a concert Bregovic, but then I'll take care of ...)
Gallery 2 Goran Bregovic concert in Sydney on March 17 2007 , Tomek Koprowski Seen lens
Interviews: mmm ... write I do not want, so camera interview with the team of Tom Koprowski Oscar Castro-Neves - Brazilian Night at the festival in Sydney.
But at Radio 2000FM can listen to an interview with Goran Bregovic.
Upside down in Australia: Stuck on New Year's wishes, but I break up and finally get used to working on onecie! I promise!
Poetry: Journey Tangarą. Soon, something new - I have to prepare photographs. He said Kondzio Aksinowicz who Tangarę (film) produced. I was very happy! Kondzio working with the Polish film crew and traveled the world - wide roads, free flights and much success!
Pleas for help: Shortly World Vision - These children need help!
Advertisements Since is a demand for a place on the internet, therefore I created this blog so everyone can figure out what's happening in sydnejskiej Polonia.
You can enter a link to each of my blog or go straight to the following address: Please
but to send notices (
much earlier, because I'm not working on the internet every day and if I get something in the last moment, there is a fear that there will put. You can also send photographs (size up to 200kb), places, or artists, or logos.
Radio 2000FM: broadcast dated. 10.03.07r. Interview with Tadeusz Kruszelnickim, Polish tennis player in a wheelchair NG (Australian Open for the Disabled), telephone interview with
Goran Bregovic (17.03.2007 - concert in Sydney), an interview with Jaga Nasielsk - second only to God "on the great Polish-American events. Transmission of the meeting with a popular presenter Mark Niedźwiedzkim, which was held in Sydney at Circular Qui, and the memory of the dead 4 marca.07r. Tadeusz best on.
And the new ad! Cool! Recorded all week, but paid off. (Also, his audience, because I do not get bored on your ads.)
My sticks to Internet broadcasts Janusz Iwanus - THANKS! I are at this address 4-5 weeks (until my next show, as the weekly broadcasts on Radio 2000FM maintained by someone else. However, you can listen to weekly broadcasts on the address:
Attention! Soon to open a new blog post: "Polonia jokes" - Ha!
will be "Comedy Radio Polonia" and "Literary meadow flowers with a Polish-American."
ourselves laughing with each other - why not? ...
After all, only fools make mistakes and ... do not allow to discuss this! They speak and write nonsense, then not only did not laugh at ourselves, but even threatened to court those who wychwycili their mistakes! (Fortunately, there are recordings and printed texts ...)
Well ... and those are sometimes - but it's not funny!
But Polish-American jokes are sometimes even very funny. It is difficult to present the Polish community only pompous and seriously. Better make it true.
course, the names will not, and so everyone will know their mistakes and can try to do them? ... Except that then I would have zdeletować blog! This can let it make śmiesznoty - After all, laughter is good for health!
(Materials may be sent to
As I worked in the former Yugoslavia, receiving a crazy opening any of their radio station! Everywhere she went
music "Narodna" or nowopisana folk. We had long sought, or to buy the album, listen to music. Today I listen to "Narodna" Balkan music with nostalgia. It reminds me of a quiet and smelled of sea water, pine trees and flowers Adriatic Sea. In the picture the first beach where I lived literally (Hotel in the background) in 1970. Mlini - 5 kilometers from Dubrovnik. And thanks to our longing for the Adriatic, Balkan rhythms still listen with pleasure. Then I rush to the concert of Goran Bregovic, who flew to Australia!